第五話 | 秘密

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I ran around the city in search of Izuku. Because of the crowded city, Izuku's scent was much harder to pick up. I seemed to be making no progress.

'Maybe I should just go wait at home for him. If he really went with All Might, then he should be safe, right?'

A loud boom shook me out of my thoughts.

'Crap, what if All Might and Izuku are there?!'

Without a second thought, I sped off towards the source of the explosion.

When I arrived, the place was in utter chaos. Fire surrounded the area as heroes were to afraid to get near. In the middle of it all stood the same sludge villain from before, and in its clutches, Bakugou.

Two familiar scents caught my nose as I formulated a plan inside my head. My eyes widened as a figure ran towards the villain. Izuku!

In a desperate attempt to save Bakugou, Izuku threw his backpack at the villain, blinding it for a few seconds. 'This is my chance! An opening!'

I quickly ran in after Izuku, ignoring the shouts of the heroes.

"Izuku, move!!!!" Startled by my voice, he jumped out of the way. I inhaled the smoke filled air as I readied an attack.

"Sky dragon's..." I began, puffing my cheeks out with air.

"ROAR!!!" I sent a huge blast of wind, tearing a gaping hole in the monsters sludge and extinguishing nearby flames. But Bakugou still wasn't free.

I quickly requipped myself with a sword and used it to slash the villain where it held Bakugou, successfully freeing him. With the now unconscious Bakugou in my arms, I leaped back to a safe distance.

The villain regained itself, now angrier than before.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" It yelled, aiming a hit at me.

The hit never came, however, as All Might showed up, protecting Bakugou, Izuku, and I from the attack.

"I really am pathetic...I told you the traits that make a great champion, but I see now that I wasn't living up to my own ideals!!" He shouted while fighting the villain.

"Pros are always risking their lives, that's the true test of a hero!!" He continued, blood squirting out of his mouth.


All Might swung his fist in retaliation.

"DETROIT...SMASSHHH!!!" He yelled, the fore of the blow once again rendering the villain unable to hold itself together as it was tossed up into the air, bits of sludge flying around.

While the other heroes protected civilians from the blast wave, I shielded Izuku and Bakugou myself.

All Might panted, steam coming out of his muscles. I caught scent of something fowl on him. 'Is he hurt?' I wondered.

The crowd was awestruck until droplets of rain began to fall from the sky. At this, the crowd erupted into cheers and shouts about how powerful All Might was.

'He definitely is something...now I want to fight him even more!'


3rd p. o. v.

Realizing that now both Izuku and Bakugou were unconscious, Hanako quickly began to tend to them, this act not going unnoticed by All Might and the other heroes.

Bakugou received some injuries, so she started with him first. Placing her hands on top of his chest, a sparkly green glow was emitted from her hands, the wounds on his body disappearing.

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