第一話 | 出久との出会い

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1st p. o. v.

"Hey! Hanako, I found this cool looking job! Wanna come with me? The reward is really good~" My teammate, Natsu, offered with a mischievous smile. "Alright, bet."

"New job, Natsu?"

"Yeah Mira, can you stamp it for us?" Natsu asked the smiling white haired female.

"Sure! But before I do, who are you going with?"

"Hanako, Happy, Lucy, Erza, Wendy, Carla, and that ice princess Gray too," Natsu grumbled the last bit.

"So team Natsu?" Mira confirmed before stamping it and handing it back to Natsu. "You guys are all set then. Good luck you guys!" She said cheerfully, waving us off from her position at the bar.

"All right! I'm so excited to beat up some bad guys!" Natsu shouted, pumping his fist in the air excitedly.

"Cool it flame head, we can't just go rushing in on this job. We're supposed to gather intel before taking the crew of bandits out," Gray scolded.

"Yeah, the last time we let you lead this type of mission we destroyed two towns and got no pay," Lucy added with a sigh.

"More like Natsu destroyed two towns..." Wendy sweat dropped, Carla silently agreeing.

"I agree with Gray, if we're going to do this we're going to need a good leader. Which is why I shall be in charge!" Erza stated, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Awwww, you guys are no fun," Natsu mumbled.

"It's okay Natsu, we can always ditch these guys and do our own thing," Happy whispered, causing Natsu to cheer up instantly. "Hehe, you're right Happy!"

"Uh, Natsu, you do know I'm right here, don't you?" I asked, causing the two to jump.

"H-Hanako! Ahaha, ignore that. Happy was just joking, right buddy?"


Natsu pulled me into him roughly.

"Promise you won't tell Erza about this?" He pleaded, sweating bullets.

I sweat dropped in return.

"Look man, as long is whatever you do doesn't cost us our pay like last time, I don't care what you do. But just between you and me, I want in on beating up some bad guys," I whispered, bringing a devious grin to Natsu's face.



Our job was simple, track down a crew of dark wizard bandits, find out their plans, take them down and then report it to the magic council. Easy, right? Well, turns out these guys were s-class from some disbanded dark guild. So here we are, in the middle of fighting them. Oh, and we somehow managed to get ourselves separated too. Just peachy.

Wendy, Carla, and I were in the midst of fighting two of the six wizards. They had some weird ass dark magic type stuff, but it didn't seem that bad. Oh how wrong I was.

"Wendy, you and Carla take care of that guy over there, I'll handle this one," I ordered.

"Right! Let's go Carla!"

"Not so fast, little girls," The one in front of me said, causing the two to stop.

"You two," he started, pointing to Wendy and Carla.

"Are unnecessary!!" He shouted, blasting some sort of purple magic at them.

"Wendy, Carla!!" I shouted. They had been hit and sent back from the blast, completely out of sight.

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