第八話 | 戦い

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For the first half of the next day, everyone in class 1-A sat through normal core classes. It was pretty boring for most of the students, including Hanako who, thanks to Izuku, had improved immensely in the classes she struggled with in junior high.

Then came lunch. Ordering food from Lunch Rush, Hanako was surprised to find out just how good it was. It slightly reminded her of Mirajane's cooking, but of course, nothing compared to her cooking.

And finally in the afternoon, it was time for hero basic training, what just about everyone in the class was looking forward to.


All Might's sudden appearance startled most of the class, sending them all into fan mode.

"Wow, I can't believe it's really All Might!" Bootleg Laxus, or Kaminari, fanboyed.

"So he is a teacher! This year is gonna be totally awesome!!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Hey look, is he wearing his silver age costume?" Asui spoke up.

"I'm getting goose bumps, it's so retro!" Tail boy commented.

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A High! Think of it as hero-ing 101! Here you will learn the basics of being a pro! And what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!!" All Might said, holding up a card that read 'battle'.

"Fight training!" Bakugou sounded a bit too excited for Izuku's liking.

"Real combat??"

"But one of the keys of being a hero is looking good!!" He pointed to the wall where compartments with suitcases popped out, each one with a number.

"These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the request you sent in before school started!" All Might explained.

The class burst out into excitement, ready to change into their hero costumes.

"Get yourselves suited up! And then meet me at training ground Beta!"

"Yes sir!"

Hanako followed the rest of the girls again to change, listing to the girls talk.

"Wow I'm so excited to see how my costume turned out!" Uraraka blurted.

"Same here! I've been waiting for this day!" Mina added.

After changing, Hanako headed to the training ground. She was one of the last to arrive.

"Wow Hanako, your costume looks super good!" Uraraka complimented.

"Thanks, yours too."

Izuku approached the two.

"Hanako-chan, isn't that-"

"Yup. By the way Izuku your costume is adorable! Even if it is a little similar to All Might..." She laughed.

" She laughed

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