第四話 | オ一ルマイト

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A few weeks had passed and I had somewhat adjusted to living in this new world. Although Izuku was really my only friend, I learned a lot from him. Also about him too. He's a hero fanatic, or as others would call him, a fanboy. I thought it was really cool that he had a hobby like that. He even showed me his hero analysis journals which were filled to the brim with drawings and information on numerous heroes.

Aside from Izuku, at school Bakugou had been, more or less, leaving us alone. Well, leaving me alone at least. Of course, while the occasional glare and snide remark was inevitable, he seemed at least a little bit calmer than when we had first met. Although I couldn't say the same for Izuku. I didn't know exactly what their relationship was prior to me coming along, but from my perspective it seemed well...really tense. But of course, I wasn't one to stand for bullying, especially when it came down to a friend, so for the most part I was the only thing standing in Bakugou's way of, and I quote, "completely destroying every inch of his pathetic being".

And so, here we were, running to catch a villain fight on the way to school. Well, more like Izuku was. I ran behind him, but I wasn't really interested in seeing a villain. While I did think the idea of heroes and villains was interesting, I was mostly concerned with trying to find a way back home.

Apparently, a giant villain had taken over Tatooin station, causing major delays. Naturally, a number of heroes and police were already at the scene, keeping bystanders at bay.

The villain knocked down a power line, causing a bit of a ruckus in the gathering crowd Izuku and I were standing in. However a buff dude who's appearance and body structure were more Elfman like than All Might caught it with his super strength. His name was Death Arms, according to Izuku's books.

Soon, a barricade of water formed in front of the crowd, the work of the rescue hero, Backdraft. Someone else I learned from Izuku's hero analysis journals.

"KYAAA!! IT'S KAMUI WOODS!! WE'RE YOUR BIGGEST FANS!!" A group of girls squealed at the incoming hero, causing me to recoil back and cover my ears at their loud screeching. Damn, curse my overly sensitive hearing in situations like this!

"Damn, you okay?" A voice asked lazily. I looked back to see a boy with messy purple hair and tired eyes.

"Yeah, I guess. Those girls are just really loud..." I said sweat-dropping.

"I felt that. I'm too tired to deal with all their fangirling..." he sighed.

I nodded in agreement before I remembered something.

"Ah, right! Izuku, school, that villain!!" I exclaimed, rushing through the crowd towards Izuku.

"Sorry dude, I've got to go now! Nice meeting ya!" I waved.

Izuku was raving about Kamui when I finally caught up to him.

"One look at that dopey grin and I know what you are: a fanboy!" A man with three star shaped objects sticking out of his head commented.

"Sort of..." Izuku responded sheepishly.

The fight seemed to be reaching its climax as Izuku pointed out Kamui Wood's special move.

"There, his special move!"

"Come on tree man, show us something flashy!" The same man from before yelled out with excitement.

"The preemptive," Izuku began.

"Binding," the hero said.

"Lacquered chain prison!!"

Just as Kamui was about to capture the villain, a giant lady stole the spotlight.

"Canyon cannon!!" She shouted, kicking the giant villain in the face.

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