第三話 | 爆豪勝己

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1st p. o. v

The next morning when I awoke the sun was well up in the sky, signaling it was around midday. I got out of bed groggily to greet Inko and thank her for lending me some of her old clothes to sleep in. When I walked out the door I was greeted with the warm scent of rice and green tea.

"Ah, Hanako, you're awake!" Inko called out to me from her seat at the kitchen table.

"Yeah. What time is it?" I looked around the room. "And come to think of it...where's Izuku?" I wondered. Inko let out a cute giggle.

"It's only around 12:30. And Izuku left for school earlier," she responded.

"School? Oh right, that place I have to go to tomorrow. What even is school?" Inko gave me a confused stare.

"You've never been to school before? It's a place where you learn things."

"Ohhh. Well no, I've never been to school. But if it's a place to learn things, then I guess I sort of have been to 'school'. My friends used to teach me things when I was younger..." I slightly shivered at the memories of a young (yet still scary) Erza that would hit Natsu and I whenever we couldn't spell properly or answer a question correctly.

"So you were homeschooled then?"

"Uh, yeah if that's what you wanna call it."

I realized I had been standing up the whole time. Inko seemed to notice too as she motioned me to sit at the table with her.

"Come sit!"

I complied and sat down across from her where a bowl of rice and hot green tea awaited me.

"Eat! You've got to have energy to shop!" I nodded and dug in.

"By the way Inko, thank you for lending me these clothes. It was really nice of you," I thanked.

"Oh it was no problem! You can keep them too, if you want. I have no use for them now anyways since I can't fit into them, hehe."

I smiled as I ate, mentally prepping myself for the day ahead.


So shopping was definitely an experience. First of all the stores we went to were all located in this place called a 'mall', which by the way was ginormous! I honestly thought I might get lost...

Anyways, after spending a few hours there I realized how much of a pain shopping was. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful Inko offered to take me, and she made the experience less boring for me, but it was just so tedious.

I didn't mind the fact that Inko wanted to dress me up and pick out clothes for me to wear considering my style was a bit-ahem-well I'm sure you know what I mean. It apparently didn't fit the norms of society, so Inko offered to help find me a new clothing style.

It was fun in the beginning, until I got bored, that is. I mean, we had been shopping for at least five hours for Mavis' sake! How much time does one need to shop for their new wardrobe?! Actually wait-don't answer that. I knew how much time it took thanks to Lucy who always wanted to take me out shopping and dress me up. Why is being a girl so fucking hard? (Hanako knows the struggles man 😔🤚)

And don't even get me started on buying the school uniform. Why is the dress code so strict? I mean honestly, the school makes such a big deal out of uniformity and free dress code being a distraction and cause for bullying when administrators seem to make a bigger deal out of your shirt not being tucked in as opposed to wearing spaghetti straps or something! At least, according to what Inko told me.

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