Renegade: Chapter Six

Start from the beginning

With regards to the information that the mysterious gentleman had said, we need one more member to accomplish the destruction of the crystallized heart. Due to the fact that you are a Maria and I am a Rosario, we only need to find a Concepcion who will be willing to deal an allegiance with us. But we have a problem. The crystallized heart is with them and we will really have a hard time to convince one of them to join us.

Hoping that destiny will be on our side, meet me at the plaza next Monday at exactly ten o' clock in the evening to further talk about this. I will assure you that you will find me beside the cupid statue.


Unlike the first letter we had read, I was completely shocked about its contents, because this time, some of the information in this piece of paper could destroy the fight that hadn't ended for centuries. If Commander Lorry grabbed it from me and read this letter, he surely would have burned it. As for Kate, Alexander and I, we would instantly be killed by Commander Lorry himself.

After reading that letter, I hurriedly put it inside a wooden trunk just below my bed and locked it with a key. With paranoia, I looked around to check whether an intruder sneaked inside my room and somehow read the letter. Luckily, with a sigh of relief, I realized that no one was around, except for me. Then, with courage to move on, I was about to get another letter, when Alexander opened the door and said, "Gerald, Commander Lorry is waiting for us in the Scale Section. We better move quickly."

"Is Kate already there?" I asked as I scratched my black hair.

"Yes. Actually, she was the one who requested me to go to your room and tell you this," He replied.

"Okay. Let's go. I hope he is in a cool state right now," I said as I stood up. Then together, Alexander and I started to walk towards the Scale Section.


It was about six o' clock in the evening when we arrived inside the Scale Section. As I opened the door, I saw Commander Lorry hold a cup of tea while in the middle of a conversation with Kate. Both of them stood beside the serpent inspired banister. It seemed like they were too serious on their conversation and I thought that maybe she was being reprimanded by him for our failed mission. You see, I was too afraid to see Commander Lorry angry. Because if he does, he shouts like a shot gun and in rare events; he gets his or her badge and will be assigned to take care of the Concepcion's grandparents for the rest of his or her life.

At the moment Commander Lorry got a glance of us, he said, "Oh! You two are finally here."

"Yes, we are," I looked at him. Then, I looked around and asked, "By the way, where is Commander Hilda?"

"I'm afraid she decided on not to stay in here. She said that she have some other duties to work with," Commander Lorry answered.

"Oh... I see," I spoke.

"Anyway, let's take a seat. Shall we?" Commander Lorry commanded as we gave him a nod. Then together, we all sat around the black table.

There was a moment of silence. I made myself entertained by the sights of the green colored banners which were hung over the scale designed walls. Each banner had a letter "C" in the middle and was given an intimidating look by a coiled snake around it.

My sightseeing was interrupted when Commander Lorry sipped his tea and said, "I learned that you had failed the mission in Mandaue City."

I breathed heavily and said, "I'm sorry sir. I can explain. It's just that--"

"You don't need to say sorry," Commander Lorry interrupted as he looked at me with his grey colored eyes. "Our sources found out that it was just a decoy of the crystallized heart."

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