The battle for Imardin (Greg)

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Greg was one of the first ones to fall off his horse. He grabbed his weapons and rolled out the way of a sword. He quickly stood up and stabbed his opponent, but, not before he stabbed him. He felt the sword go through his side, but, in the heat of battle he didn't feel the pain. He kept fighting.

"Nǐ bìxū bèi dài huílái, shòushāngle." (You have to be brought back, you're wounded.) One of the knights said, but, he shook his head.

"Bùyòngle, wǒ kěyǐ jiějué." (No thanks, I can handle this.) He smiled at the knight, but his eyes widened in shock when a sword went through the young knight. Only a boy of the age of six.

"Merlin really need to change that law, that kid just learned to fight." He mumbled and ran towards the kid. He stabbed the attacker.

"Wǒ hěn hàipà." (I'm scared.) The young boy said, his voice weak.

"Bùyào hàipà, nín jiāng qù nǎlǐ, méiyǒu tòngkǔ. Wǒ chéngnuò." (Don't be scared, where you will go, there is no pain. I promise.) The boy grabbed his finger and groaned in pain. But then, his hand fell down and he stopped breathing. Greg sighed.

"Xiǎo nánhái, zài nàlǐ, nín huì shòudào huānyíng de." (You will be welcomed there, young boy.) Greg sighed. He got up and started fighting again, but, the wound in his side finally started to hurt. He could see Faun and started yelling.

"Fau-" he suddenly gasped, when a sword went through his back. He fell forwards, his face in the ground while his attacker pulled his sword out of him. The attacker then got killed by somebody else while another knight turned him on his back. He looked at the knight.

"Wǒ-wǒ kàn dào Alatan." (I-I see Alatan.) He smiled before also he was pulled into the endless pit of oblivion. The knight closed his eyes in respect and went back to the battle.

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