The fallen kingdom

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I just gonna put in every chapter a video, it probably doesn't fit with the chapter, but, I just wanted to do something with those videos, so, enjoy.

A young boy, on the age of ten, was training with some of his knights when suddenly the warning bells rang. He quickly turned around and ran to the castle, his sword ready and his magic raging inside of him, ready to strike. He suddenly gets stopped by one his men and tries to get out of his grip, but it doesn't work. He notices how his mom and dad run towards him but gets blocked by one of the enemies. He can't believe his eyes when he sees his father's most trusted knight, blocking his parents. The knight who was stopping him picks him up and hangs him over his shoulders before running off, his best friend Will and some other knights following. The last thing he heard was his mother's scream and then nothing, only the silence.


Merlin jolts awake with a scream, his eyes started to fill with tears and he puts his hand in front of his mouth to muffle the cries. He then quickly wipes the tears off and notices that it was almost dawn. Time to wake the pratt up. He got up and looked around his room before changing from his nightgown to his normal clothes before putting his boots on. He then opened the door, grabbed the bread that was on the table before running towards the pratt's chambers.

He opened the door, walked towards the curtains and opened them saying

"Up you go."

Arthur opened his sleepy eyes and sighed.

"What for"

"A bath" was the only answer he got. Arthur, who still wanted to sleep said

"Where's breakfast"

Merlin sighed and walked towards Arthur

"Say aah"

"Ahh" was what Arthur said before Merlin stuffed some bread in his mouth. Arthur who wasn't pleased said in a muffled tone

"Merlin" before doing the bread out his mouth.

Merlin was already at the table and looked on the list and said

"I've set aside some practice time."

To which Arthur said

"Ah, wonderful. What for? Quarterstaff? Battle axe?"

"For your speech" Merlin said with a smile.

"Who to?"Arthur sighed, clearly not happy.

"The guild of Harness Polishers."

"The guild of who? I don't know anything about polishing" Arthur said, very confused.

"Fortunately I do" Merlin said, this time it was his time to sigh, can't this king be any lazier?

"That'll take hours to learn" Arthur complained.

"You don't have hours. First, you have to receive Odin's envoy."

"Do I have to give a speech?"

"No, you have to listen to one."

Arthur sighed again, but Merlin just continues as if he didn't hear it.

"Then you need to inspect the guards, perform a freeman's ceremony, oh... and to be a judge"

"Preside over a trail?" Arthur said, hoping that it was finally something interesting.

"A Garland competition" Merlin said teasingly, a goofy smile plastered on his face.

"I never get time for myself!" Arthur said, sounding like a child who doesn't want to get out of bed.

"I know, it's almost like having to work. Come on. You don't have time for this."

Merlin sighs and starts dragging Arthur out of bed.

"No, come on. No, out of bed."

"No, noo" Arthur cried out. Finally Merlin got him out of the bed and said

"You're doing very well, Arthur"

"I don't think so" was the only reply.

"Everyone's saying it."

"I'm glad your friends of the tavern approve." Arthur said while Merlin grabbed some clothes and helped Arthur up.

"I'm serious. You're becoming a very good king."

"Thank you. You're still the worst servant I've ever known." Arthur grabbed the shirt and put it on before doing all the jobs.


After Arthur was finally done with everything he had some spare time to train with the knights. Merlin decided to watch while sharpening a sword, soon he was lost in thoughts and heard his mother's scream over and over in his head, he puts his hands on his ears, but nothing works, he started shaking and tears started to fill his eyes.

"Merlin!" He suddenly heard and he looked up, noticing that the knights were all looking at him. He quickly wiped the tears away and forced a smile.

"I'm fine" he said. Arthur who wanted to ask what was wrong was stopped when a servant ran towards them.

"Sire, some knights of a fallen kingdom are asking for an audience with you."

Arthur nodded.

"Bring them to the throne room. Merlin, stop sharpening that sword, it's already sharp enough and come with me."

Merlin, who now noticed that he was still sharpening the sword followed Arthur to the throne room, his eyes filled with hope.

I hope you liked it, I know that I still need to improve, so, I accept every help for making this story better. The name of the kingdom was inspired by the book of Trudi Canavan, The black magician trilogy. Also, later you will see that the clothing of the knights will look like the clothing of the Ranger's apprentice. So, just so you know. I will probably set references in the book, some, I don't know, like supernatural references, don't worry, I'm gonna watch supernatural. So, yeah. Oh yeah, Lancelot and Gwaine are still alive (in my mind they always were), Mordred is also alive, but, he's a knight and Lancelot still knows about Merlin's magic, but not that Merlin is a prince. What I'm gonna do about Morgana, I'm not sure. And also, I just forgot Elyan, but, he's also still alive. And Uther is dead. I will try to put some Merthurn in it, but, idk if it will be that good. Anyways, I hope that you will have a good day/night, and leave comments whenever you want.

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