The battle for Imardin (Leon)

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He unsheated his sword. He didn't wait for Arthur raising his sword. He already started walking and when Arthur raised his sword he ran with the others. He could hear the shouting of excited villagers. Soon the two armies collided against each other and a villagers next to him already fell down. He sighed and fought an attacker. What he didn't notice was that somebody else was trying to attack him. He got ready to run him through when an elder jumped in front of him. He recognized the albino bald elder.

"So, you have come." Leon said and the elder nodded.

"I'll get some help." He started to look around.

"No! It's too late, young man. You have to help your king and your friend." The elder managed a small smile.

"And, btw, your other two friends are flirting." Leon looked up to see Gwaine giving Percival a flirtatious smile and he rolled his eyes.

"This is no time to flirt." He sighed.

"There is always time to flirt." He looked back at the elder, but noticed that he was already gone. His body laying on the ground in a puddle of blood.

"See? Even Arthur is flirting." He looked up for a second before rolling his eyes and fighting again

"He found her!" Gwaine yelled after a while and he fought his way towards Gwaine and Percival before following the king. When he arrived he saw that she wasn't facing them.

'This is too easy.' He thought.

"We have to be careful, this is too easy." He warned them and Percival nodded.

"She's alone, we are with four. It's four against one." Gwaine complained.

"Don't forget that she's powerful." Percival whispered.

"And we can't kill her. It's Merlin's destiny to kill her." Leon also whispered. Gwaine didn't listen and soon they were standing next to Arthur.

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