What did you do!

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Merlin quickly noticed that there was something wrong when Gwaine arrived. He just wasn't really himself anymore. He stood away from Percival and Merlin could see that he didn't like that. He walked towards Gwaine and gave him a stern look.

"What!" Gwaine snapped at him and Merlin backed away.

"I'm sorry." Gwaine sighed and Merlin just nodded.

"Let's walk for a while." Merlin suggested and Gwaine nodded. They walked away from the ground and walked through a garden with all kinds of white flowers. They stopped at a tree where nobody really goes.

"The tree is a sacred place." Merlin explained.

"Only the king and his family and the elders can walk here." Merlin turned around to face Gwaine.

"What's wrong?" Merlin asked him and Gwaine shook his head.

"Nothing, I just want to drink." Merlin raised an eyebrow.

"Don't look at me like that, it's the truth!"

"Yeah, sure." Merlin turned back to the tree and rested his hand on it.

"I can feel the magic surrounding it." Merlin whispered. Suddenly Gwaine put a hand on his mouth and grabbed his sword. Merlin's eyes quickly turned golden and Gwaine got thrown away by an invisible force.

"I'm sorry, Gwaine." Merlin sighed and knocked Gwaine out.

"Percy, I know you've been following us!" Merlin shouted and Percival walked out the shadows.

"You have to hold him and I'm gonna talk to our prisoner." Merlin stormed off and ran in the room, noticing that she was still unchained.

"What did you do to him?" Merlin asked.

"Oh, hello Merlin." She smiled and Merlin scowled.

"What did you do to him!" Merlin yelled and she just kept smiling. He leaped forward and pinned her against the wall.

"What did you do to him!" He yelled again and she flinched.

"The same thing Morgana did to you." She laughed.

"And, this is actually the first time you've hurt me." She looked in his eyes and she could see the regret in them.

"You're too nice."

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