The couriers

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When they finally arrived at Xìnshǐ everybody who was gonna help them was already there. Everybody who can fight from each village with their elders. They heard many languages and also heard laughter, but they knew how nervous everybody is. Merlin lead his horse towards the middle of the village, his friends and many people following them. Merlin dismounted his horse and sank on one knee in front of the elders.

"Xièxiè nǐ zài wǒ bùzài shí suǒ zuò de yīqiè. Wǒ zài nín miànqián jūgōng, xiàng nín biǎoshì jìngyì, bìng tíxǐng dàjiā wǒmen píngděng. Wǒ hái yào xiàng měi gè cūnzhuāng de cūnmín jūgōng zhìxiè, bìng gǎnxiè tāmen. Zài wǒ duǒcáng de shíhòu, tāmen hěn nánguò. Dànshì, nín cóng wèi fàngqì xīwàng, nín shǐzhōng xiāngxìn wǒ huì huílái, zhè jiùshì wèishéme wǒ fēicháng gǎnxiè nín de bāngzhù." (Thank you for everything you did when I was away. I bow here in front of you to show you my respect and to remind everyone that we are equal. I also bow for the villagers from every village and thank them. They had a hard time while I was away in hiding. But, you never gave up hope, you always trusted that I would come back and that's why I'm so grateful from your help.) Merlin said, before gracefully standing up.

"Cóng jīntiān qǐ, wǒmen suǒyǒu rén dōu jiāng chéngwéi shìbīng. Xiànzài, méiyǒu qítā gōngzuòle, yīnwèi rúguǒ wǒmen xiànzài shūle, nín jiāng bù zài zài nàlǐ zuò nín de gōngzuò. Wǒ zhīdào yǒuxiē rén kěnéng huì hàipà, wǒ bù yāoqiú nǐmen dǎjià. Wǒmen hái jiāng xūyào zhìliáo zhě, wǒmen jiāng huòdé zhège wángguó měi gè shēngwù de bāngzhù. Wǒmen jiāng yīqǐ yíngdé zhè chǎng zhàndòu. Zhàndòu jiéshù hòu, kǎ mǐ luò tè hé yī mǎdīng jiāng tuánjié qǐlái. Kǎ mò luò tè (Camelot) zài wǒmen qù zhèlǐ zhīqián jiù jiāng móshù dìng wèi héfǎ. Yīncǐ, bùyào xiāngxìn nàxiē shuō móshù zài nà'er réngrán shì fēifǎ de rén, yīnwèi wǒ zhīdào zhè bùshì fēifǎ de." (From today we will all be soldiers. Now, there is no other job, because if we lose now, you won't be there anymore to do your job. I know that some of you might be scared and I don't ask you to fight. We will also need healers and we will get the help from every creature in this kingdom. We will win this fight, together. After the fight, Camelot and Imardin will be united. Camelot made magic legal right before we went here. So, don't trust the ones who say that magic is still illegal there, because I know it isn't.) Merlin ended and everybody looked surprised to the king of Camelot, then they smiled and soon everybody shouted in joy.

"Wángzǐ, xièxiè nǐ zhège hǎo xiāoxī. Wèi cǐ, wǒmen míngtiān jiāng jìnxíng shèngyàn. Dì èr tiān, wǒmen jiāng bān dào zuìhòu yīgè cūnzhuāng, wǒmen jiāng yīqǐ jìngōng pàntú." (Thanks for this great news, prince. For this we will make a feast tomorrow. The next day we will move to the last village and we will together attack the traitor.) Wòkè, the last elder said and with that, everybody ran off, preparing for the great feast.

"Is there mead?" Gwaine asked and Greg laughed before nodding.

"Welcome in my father's village." Greg said, before trotting off, towards his father.

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