The battle for Imardin (Faun)

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Faun waited for a few minutes before leading his horse towards battle. But, after a few seconds he regretted his choice. Knights from the enemy army blocked their path and stood between his and the foot soldiers. When he looked behind him he could see that there was also an army between his and Merlin's army. He looked around, but couldn't find Lancelot and Elyan. Greg was by his side, but was quickly thrown of his horse. Faun growled and grabbed his bow and arrow. He started shooting the enemies, but when they came too close he quickly switched weapons and dismounted his horse. Soon, Greg was also out of view and he hoped that Greg was okay. His army looked to loose when a giant dragon flew down and breathed fire on the enemies. He also saw small lights flying into people, controlling them so they were fighting their own army.

"Finally goblins become handy." He mumbled. He blocked some attacks, killed some of the enemy army and soon, with the help of some magical creatures they won. He looked around at his army.

"Wǒmen bìxū jìxù qiánjìn! Měi gè réngrán kěyǐ zhàndòu de rén, gēnzhe wǒ!" (We have to move on! Everybody who can still fight, follow me!) He shouted, he then ran forward towards the army that was already inside the castle walls. He heard the footsteps from his army and noticed that most of the horses were dead. He joined the other army.

"Ràng wǒ guòqù! Wǒ xūyào zhǎodào yà sè hè tā de péngyǒumen!" (Let me through! I need to find Arthur and his friends!)

"Tāmen zài lǐmiàn. Gēnsuí yīgè nǚhái." (they are inside. Following a girl.) A man said and he growled. He then ran trough a secret door and soon joined the Camelotian knights.

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