The story of the blindfold

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"Dhan'yabāda, ōm̐, cōkhēra pātāla diẏē pabitra prabīṇa." (Thank you, oh, sacred elder with the blindfold.) Merlin stood up and bowed, the elder just stood there.

"Āmi āpanākē dhan'yabāda jānātē habē. Āmi mr̥tyura āgē'ō ēṭi ghaṭatē dēkhatē pācchi. Kāraṇa āmāra āsachē ēbaṁ śīghra'i āmi ākāśēra pabitra ālōtē yōga dēba, sēkhānē yārā sbādhīnatā ēbaṁ ānandēra sāthē bāsa karēna ēbaṁ yārā sarbadā āpanāra najara rākhabēna." (It is I who need to thank you. That I still can see this happening before I die. Because my is coming and soon I will join the sacred lights of the sky, the people who live there in freedom and joy and who will always watch over you.) The elder finally said with a small smile made him suddenly look younger.

"Yadi āmi jijñāsā karatē pāri, āsalē cōkhēra pātāẏa kēna?" (If I may ask, why actually the blindfold?) Léi asked and the elder laughed.

"Āmi āpanākē jijñāsā karatē pāri, sādā raṅa kēna?" (I can ask you, why the white color?) The elder asked and Léi quickly answered.

"Kāraṇa sādā mānē biśud'dhatā, surakṣā ēbaṁ pariṣkāra paricchannatā. Yādu nijē khām̐ṭi, ēṭi hatyā karē nā, laṛā'i karē nā. Ērā sē'i lōkērā yārā manda kājēra jan'ya yādura biśud'dhatā byabahāra karē yā śud'dha naẏa. Yādu āpanākē surakṣā dēẏa, ēṭi āpanākē sarbatra ghirē rākhē ēbaṁ āpanākē surakṣā dēẏa. Āpani asustha bā āhata halē ēṭi āpanākē nirāmaẏa karabē. Ēṭi aāla hisābē āpanākē rakṣā karabē. Āmarā, ē'i grāmēra yādu byabahārakārī hisābē saṭhika uddēśyē yādu byabahāra karāra pratiśruti diẏēchilāma. Āmarā an'yakē surakṣā ānaba ēbaṁ khām̐ṭi. Yārā manda kājēra jan'ya yādu byabahāra karē tārā ēra biśud'dhatā thēkē andha haẏē yāẏa." (Because white means purity, safety and cleanliness. Magic itself is pure, it doesn't kill, it doesn't fight. It's the people who use the purity of magic for evil that aren't pure. Magic gives you safety, it surrounds you everywhere and protects you. It will heal you when you are sick or wounded. It will protect you as a shield. We, as magic users in this village promised to use magic for the right purpose. We will bring others safety and are pure. The ones who use magic for an evil purpose are blinded from the purity of it.) The elder nodded.

"Āmi ē'i grāmaṭi śuru karēchi ēbaṁ ēra bhitarē duṣṭatā dēkhēchi. Āmi āra yāduṭikē āra śud'dha kichu hisābē dēkhini. Cōkhēra pātāguli āmāra dr̥ṣṭibhaṅgi pratiṭi mandatā thēkē birata rākhē. Tāhalē āmi kī nijēkē khām̐ṭi yādu balē manē kariẏē ditē pāri." (I started this village and saw the evilness within. I didn't see magic as something pure anymore. The blindfold blocks my view from every evilness. So can I remind myself how pure magic is.) The elder said and everybody looked at him.

"How old is this guy?" Gwaine asked.

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