The feast

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The next morning everybody was still happy. The village was full with life with in the midst of the village long tables and around them banners with the red and yellow from Camelot and the Green, grey, brown and blue from Imardin. Magic could be seen everywhere. Flowers that came out of nowhere, blue butterflies flying around. Figures formed into the flames and on the tables was so many food that even made Arthur jealous. Merlin laughed when a kid grabbed his hand, then Arthur's and made them follow her. The girl pointed to some chairs where the other knights were already sitting. Gwaine waved at them with a mug already in his hand.

"You have to taste it." Gwaine giggled, stumbling over his words.

"It's the best thing ever!" Greg also giggled and Merlin and Arthur sat down, rolling their eyes.

"Percy, I love you!" Gwaine suddenly shouted and Percival looked surprised at Gwaine when he suddenly kissed him.

"How strong is that thing?" Leon asked.

"Stronger than the ones from Camelot." Merlin answered.

"Yeah, they really aren't made from this stuff." A girl laughed and Merlin scowled, turning around.

"Húlí." Merlin said.

"Hey, don't worry. It's a feast now, everybody knows that when there is a feast, there is also peace." She laughed again. Merlin just raised an eyebrow.

"Don't look at me like that!" She also raised an eyebrow and locked her eyes with his. They then did a staring contest, but what Merlin saw made him jump back and look away.

"You're insane." Merlin stated and she laughed again.

"Thanks." She laughed before walking away, she then started dancing with some of the villagers.

"That girl is amazing." Gwaine said after another sip and giggled again, he then rested his head in Percival's shoulders.

"Yeah, she's amazing at killing people." Lancelot answered.

"She's good at playing people, she knows exactly what she needs to do." Leon stated and everybody nodded.

"We then better keep an eye out." Elyan suggested and again everybody nodded. Merlin started to take a sip from his own mug when the girl who led them to their chairs ran towards Merlin and slapped the mug out of his hand. But it was too late, Merlin had already takes a sip from it and suddenly stumbled off his chair, the world started spinning around an she felt really dizzy.

"Merlin?" Arthur yelled, but it sounded so distant.

"Merlin." He heard a whisper, a whisper he was so eager to hear again. Everything went black, but not after he saw a lady in a red dress with long brown hair and brown eyes.

"Freya." Was the only thing he mumbled.

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