It's sir Gwaine to you

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She grabbed a bowl that was also already there and her eyes turned golden. In the bowl was now a flame and she smiled when she heard Gwaine waking up.

"Hello there, knight." She said, turning around.

"What are you gonna do to me!" Gwaine asked and she laughed.

"Something Morgana has done to your friend. She told me how to do it, so, I decided to use it on you." She laughed again.

"Astige ðu wyrm fah ond geþéowe ðæt mod ðisse þeowes. Hine bind ond ða heold ond awendaþ he ealle!" She whispered and casted the medallion in the flames. A hiss rises out of the metal bowl as the flames disappear. The snake-tree has come to life. She smiled.

"I take it you've never met a Fomorroh before." She laughed when she saw Gwaine's scared face.

"Of course not, you don't know anything about magic." She pets the Fomorroh.

"Fomorroh are creatures of dark magic. Even if you cut off their heads, you cannot kill them. Another will just grow in its place." She explained, talking to Gwaine as if he was a naughty kid.

"In the days of the Old Religion, they were revered by the High Priestesses as they allowed them to control people's minds." She still explained while walking closer.

"The Fomorroh will suck the life force out of you. Everything that makes you Gwaine will be gone. And in its place there will be just one thought. One thought that will grow until it's consumed you completely. One thought that will be your life's work. You will not be able to rest until it's done. And that one thought is simple. 'You must kill your friends, one by one.'" She laughed evilly and stood behind Gwaine. She places the Fomorroh at Gwaine's neck and it burrows into it, making him writhe in pain. It squirms under the surface of his skin. She unlocked his chains and opened the door when he passed out, she then dragged him outside and leaned him against a wall before walking back in the room and sitting down on the chair.

Percival started pacing.

"Where is Gwaine? It takes too long." Percival asked. He then got up and walked to the hall. He then noticed Gwaine laying there and shook him until he woke up.

"Gwaine, what happened?" Percival looked worried at Gwaine.

"It's sir Gwaine to you." Gwaine said and got up, he then walked towards the others and Percival could see something move just right under his skin.

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