Once a traitor, always a traitor

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A small figure moved away from the camp, disappearing in the shadows, his face covered under the shadows of his heavy, deep cowl. He looked around again before creeping into the woods, trying to leave no trail. In an open space he stopped, in front of him was a woman with dark brown, wavy hair that is this darkness looked to be black. Her eyes are grey- green and she has a pale skin. She was wearing a black dress and looked at the hooded figure.

"What do you want?" Morgana asked, one eye brow raised as she noticed how small the figure was.

"I'm here to help you." The figure said.

"And how do you think you can possibly help me?"

"I know this kingdom, I know the woods, and I know their plans." Morgana smirked hearing this. She already had the aid of Halt, but if she also has the aid of someone closer to the king and Merlin, she could easily trap them.

"Alright." She nodded and with that the figure started to tell her everything it knew.

Later that night the figure sneaked back to the camp and petted his horse before laying down and falling asleep, but only after an evil smirk appeared on his face.

The next morning everybody woke up and got ready to leave. Alatan in the front while the others followed.

"We will be there soon." Alatan explained.

"I hope s-" Arthur was cut off when an arrow almost hit him, flying right in front of his eyes and hitting a tree next to him. Quickly the Camelotian knights sheathed their swords, but when nobody of the Imardian knights grabbed their swords, they relaxed.

"Zhè shì nín duìdài péngyǒu hé méngyǒu de fāngshì ma? Wǒ yǐwéi wǒmen jiào dé gèng hǎo" (Is this how you treat your friends and allies? I thought that we have taught you better.) Alatan said and soon they could hear laughing.

"Méiyǒu rén jiào wǒ wán dé kāixīn. Cǐwài, wǒ zhèngzài cèshì tāmen shuō de yǒngqì shìfǒu zúgòu yǒngqì." (Yiu never taught me to not make fun. Besides, I wanted to test Courage if he is really that courageous) A deep voice said, he then a man creeped out the shadows, smiling. His brown eyes were glistening with a mischievous glint and his copper shimmer hair was long, longer than normal as if he didn't care to make them shorter.

"Arthur, this is Vi, he is the leader of this camp. He still listens to our elder, but she decided to stay in our village, facing that traitor the whole time." Alatan explained. Arthur huffed, and looked at the man.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, but, I don't think that you will get that much attention here. But Merlin here will sure get all the attention." Vi smiled.

"Hǎo ba, zhè hěn ānquán, huǒjimen. Huíqù, wǒ dài tāmen qù yíngdì." (Alright, it's safe, guys. Go back, I'll lead them to the camp.) Vi yelled to the others who were still hiding. He then looked at the others.

"Follow me." He then walked away, the others quickly following, still on their horses. Soon the twigs looked to get lower and lower, they started to bow until they needed to get off their horses. After a while they noticed an open space before them. Trees around the open place. The only entrance was the one where they went through. Men, woman and children were training, the sound of metal clanging against each other could be heard.

"Why don't you use swords?" Leon asked.

"We have our main weapons, but some of us also use swords or axes. That's a free choice." Alatan explained.

"Tīngzhe, dàjiā! Jīntiān wǒmen de wángzǐ hé tā de péngyǒumen yīqǐ dàodále. Jīntiān bù huì yǒu rènhé xùnliàn, méiyǒu jìhuà, yīnwèi wǒmen huì bǎocān yī dùn. Shèngyàn, yīnwèi cóng xiànzài kāishǐ, wǒmen zhīdào wǒmen huì yíng. Pàntú jiāng shū diào, jiāng huòdé gōngpíng de jiéguǒ, dàn qǐng jì zhù zhè yīdiǎn. Céngjīng de pàntú yǒngyuǎn shì pàntú!" (Listen up, everybody! Today our prince arrived with his friends. For today there will be no training, no planning because we will feast. Feast because from now on, we know that we will win. The traitor will lose and will get a fair trail, but remember this. Once a traitor always a traitor!) Vi yelled when everybody looked at them. Everybody yelled in agreement, joy and hope were in their eyes. From now on history will be written.

After the feast ,that ended when the sun went down, Merlin and his friends went to sleep around one of the many campfires. Merlin was the only one who couldn't sleep and looked around, sighing. He then heard someone move and got up when the person walked away. He could see the figure walking out the camp and he quickly followed.

The figure disappeared into the shadows and Merlin followed, knowing what he needed to look for to follow the figure. The figure suddenly stopped and looked at the woman in front of him. Merlin quickly hides behind a tree and watched.

"I've found the location of the camp, they are with many, a whole army." The figure spoke.

"Good." Morgana replied and smirked one of her evil smirks.

"We are allies now, why don't you show me your face? Then I know that I don't accidentally kill you." The figure nodded before doing his cowl off.

'No, it can't be!" Merlin thought.

'I trusted him! He's a traitor!'

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