Is he dead?

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Merlin's breathing went weaker with the minute and Arthur kissed his forehead.

"Please, Merls, hold on." Arthur pleaded and as if Merlin could hear it he moaned.

"Arthur." Arthur looked again and Merlin.

"You're gonna be fine, dollop-head." Arthur still pleaded. He didn't realise that they were already there until Lancelot grabbed the reins and stopped the horse.

"We're there, my lord." Lancelot said and Arthur quickly dismounted his horse. Suddenly Merlin fell of the horse and landed hard on the ground. Arthur gently picked him up and looked if Merlin had any pain, if he had any, he didn't show. Some villagers passed by in their pure white clothes.

"Please help me!" Arthur yelled at them desperately.

"Please!" Arthur pleaded, his voice breaking. Tears finally rolled down his cheeks and landed on Merlin who still didn't move.

"Somebody please, help me!" Arthur cried out. The knights didn't know what to do, they were scared for their friends, but, of course the villagers didn't know what he was saying. Arthur started to panic and suddenly everything went black for him.

"Āpanāra bandhura jan'ya cintā karabēna nā. Āpani yē lōkaṭira sandhāna karachēna tini itimadhyē ēkhānē āchēna, ēkhana āmākē anusaraṇa karuna ēbaṁ āpani yā kichu karuna tā dbidhā karabēna nā." (Don't worry for your friend. The man you're seeking is already here, now follow me and whatever you do, don't hesitate.) And old man said with a long, white beard and hair. His eyes were hidden under a blindfold and in his voice was authority.

"Tumi kē?" (Who are you?) Leon asked.

"Āmi ē'i grāmēra baṛa, ēkhana anusaraṇa karuna." (I am the elder of this village, now follow.) The old men spoke.

"I guess I said it right." Leon said with so much proud.

"Yeah, you've learned it, but, still not everything." Greg grinned and Leon sighed. Percival carried Arthur while Lancelot carried Merlin. When they walked into the building everything became black for them too and they all fell to the ground.

"Tādēra tādēra kakṣē ānuna." (Bring them to their chambers.) The old men said before picking Merlin up and carrying him away.

Arthur woke up with a head ache, a man with green eyes and sleek red hair standing next to his bed.

"Good morning, sire." The man said when he noticed that Arthur was awake.

"Morning?!" Arthur yelled and then he suddenly realized what has happened.

"Where's Merlin!" He demanded and the man looked at him with a sad loon on his face.

"I'm sorry." The man finally said.

"No!" Arthur yelled. The man's eyes turned golden and Arthur suddenly stands up and followed the man. In the hallway were the other knights in the same situation as Arthur. They climbed some stairs until they turned left and into a chamber, there, Merlin was laying on a bed. He was pale and his eyes were closed. When Arthur was finally set free, he ran to Merlin and felt his pulse.

"Is he dead?" Leon asked, scared for the answer.

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