The wall and the village

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The next morning, Merlin and his friends leave the town early. They just kept going, sometimes resting in some dragon dens where the dragons kept them warm. The Camelotian knights just wanted to be as far as possible from the mountains, but Merlin said that it was better to just follow the border to the south. After a three days ride the mountains finally stopped and a wall was built next to it, guards patrolling over them. They followed the wall until they finally arrived at a village. It was much quieter than the others. Just out of sight they could see some fields where farmers were working. Everybody is working, even the kids. They stopped when an albino man walked towards them.

"Heç bir ziyarətçi gözləmirdik." (We didn't expect any visitors.) The elder said while bowing.

"Şahzadəni nəhayət yenidən görmək şərəfdir." (It's an honor to finally see the prince again.) The elder bowed again and Merlin smiled.

"Şərəf hamısı mənimdir. Gözlərinizə gələnlərə görə təəssüflənirəm." (The honor is all mine. And I'm sorry about your eyes.) Merlin also bowed and smiled when a young boy told the elder how the others looked like.

"Beləliklə, doğrudur? Camelot kralı bizə kömək etmək üçün bura gəldi? Siz həqiqətən onun üçün xüsusi olmalısınız." (So, it's true? The king of Camelot has come to help us? You must be really special to him.)

"Bəli, o." (Yeah, he is.) Arthur answered in stead of Merlin, they could hear that he wasn't used to speak in this language.

"Dilimizdə danışmağa çalışdığınız yaxşıdır, kral Artur. Həqiqətən Merlin sizin üçün nə qədər əziz olduğunu bizə göstərir." (It's good that you are trying to speak our language, king Arthur. It really shows us how dear Merlin is to you.) The elder smiled and Arthur also smiled.

"Ancaq soruşmadan əvvəl. Sizə kömək edə bilməyəcəyimizi söyləmək məni kədərləndirir. Sərhədimizi qorumalıyıq. İndi çıxıb onsuz da əlinizdə olan ordunu toplaysanız yaxşı olar." (But, before you ask. It saddens me to say that we can't help you. We have to guard our border. It's best if you leave now and collect the army you already have.) The elder sighed.

"Nə?!" (What?!) Greg almost yelled.

"Görürsən, bu ağsaqqal Morgananın daha yaxşı bir seçim olduğunu başa düşür. O, padşahlıq etdiyi zaman digər krallıqlara hücum edəcək və sehrli qanuni olacaq. O, bizim növlərimizi öldürənləri öldürəcəkdir. Pendragon'a etibar etmək mümkün olmadığını söylədi." (You see, this elder realizes that Morgana is a better option. When she reigns she will attack the other kingdoms and make magic legal. She will kill the ones who murdered our kind. She has told us that the Pendragon's can't be trusted.) A familiar voice said.

"Morgana Pendragondur və siz də bilirsiniz, Húlí." (Morgana is a Pendragon, and you know that, Húlí.) Merlin scowled looking at the girl who now stood next to the elder.

"Yarım." (Half.) The girl laughed.

"İndi buraxın, indi şansınız var." (Now leave, now you got the chance.) With that the girl smiled at the elder and Merlin scowled, before making his horse turn around and walk away. Arthur and the others followed.

"We can't let her do this!" Arthur complained and Merlin sighed.

"Yes, we can. We will go to Xìnshǐ where the others will be. Then we will all together move towards Mofa and then after a few days planning we will attack." Merlin shushed Arthur.

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