Journey to Imardin

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After a few weeks of planning and training they were finally done. Merlin finally got used to giving the orders and was a skilled fighter. Even Léi was a good fighter who managed to win from Gwaine. Gwaine and Greg became best friends, but not as close as Gwaine and Percival. Lancelot and Alatan looked to be close too.

Arthur had taken the time to allow magic again in Camelot and magical shops opened immediately. The Imardin knights helped the knights of Camelot with their archery to make them shoot faster.

Merlin and Arthur also grew closer and he helped Arthur with the tactics. He also taught everybody about the magical creatures, so, that they don't get scared when they arrive in Imardin.

And finally it was time to journey to Imardin. It was a two day journey to the border and a five day journey to get to the castle that was in the middle of the kingdom, surrounded by woods, rivers and even mountains.

And so, they started, all packed, food, Gwaine and his apples.

Merlin and Arthur in the front, Leon and Faun behind them, Léi and Elyane behind them and Percival, Gwaine and Greg behind them. It was really silent, something Gwaine really hated.

"Did you ever hear about me and the dog woman?" Gwaine said, everybody rolled their eyes, except for Greg.

"No, tell us!" Greg demanded, looking at the others as if he warned them to protest.

"Well, I was at the tavern-" began Gwaine.

"As always" Merlin said with a smile.

"-I was at the tavern and there was a woman who had a dog, she looked at me and I walked towards her and started to flirt with her. After a while I got really drunk and the lady was so nice to give me her room, so, I followed her and after a while we arrived in her room. Idk what happened that night, but, the next morning I woke up outside with some dogs surrounding me. I tried to find my money and then I realised I got robbed. So, I went back to the tavern and asked for a drink, that lady was there again and this time a man was with her. I wanted my money back, so, I walked towards her and demanded my money back. She didn't want to give it back and the man suddenly attacked me. And, you know me, I knocked that man out, fought some other guys before getting my money back. I then got thrown out the tavern, but, it was all worth it." Gwaine finished his story.

"Wow, that was amazing" Greg said.

"Let's take a break" Arthur said and they got off their horses, they then sat around a campfire that got lit up by Merlin's magic.

The next morning everybody woke up, mounted their horses and began on the last part of their journey, to Imardin. It was a surprisingly silent one, but, not that awkward silence, but just, a silence. Suddenly they heard a sound and where all startled.

"Sorry" Gwaine said, showing his apple and everybody sighed in relief, but, it wasn't for long until they heard some battle cries from some bandits. Merlin, who didn't want to fight felt his magic raging inside him, his eyes turning golden while the bandits get thrown away by an invisible force. They could hear some bones crack of bandits who didn't land that good, but, they didn't care, they just kept going forward.

Finally they arrived at the border of Imardin, the woods closed in around them and there wasn't any room for them to ride next to each other. They decided to rest.

Hi, yeah, the fifth chapter in one day, tomorrow I have school again, yay. One of my teachers is like Uther, and l really hope that I don't have him tomorrow.

Well, I'm going to sleep now because it's 20:35, yeah, and I know it's early for most of us, but, I can't take my phone at my room. My parents even check on me. So, yeah, I can't stay up late at night, writing or reading a book, even if I wanted to.

I hope you have a nice day/night.

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