Another murder

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After talking with the elder it was already night. They all went to sleep and climbed up to the highest hut that was for the guests. It was bigger than it looked from outside, with in the middle of the room a table and a fireplace on the other said. Wooden chair were around the table and in front of the fireplace was a couch. There were also 4 doors leading to different rooms. 1 room for Gwaine and Percival, 1 room for Faun and Léi, who now became Léi's mentor, 1 room for Elyan and Greg and 1 room for Arthur and Merlin. Lancelot and Leon stayed in the main room. Everybody went to their rooms and soon the only sounds were the snoring of some of the men. Lancelot and Leon found some water and some cups and poured some water in the cups. They then drank from it and suddenly felt dizzy, soon, everything went black and they fell down.

A figure sneaked out one of the rooms and looked at the two now sleeping men before sneaking off. It sneaked out the hut, climbed down the many many stairs and sneaked towards the waterfall. He then jumped in the water and swimmed to the otherside of the waterfall. Suddenly he heard something behind him also jumping in the water and noticed one of Léi's brothers. The figure quickly swims to the shore and hides behind a tree, disappearing in the shadows. When Lóng, because that was the brother, climbed on the surface he looked around but couldn't see anything. But he knew who the figure was, the way he walked, and then those eyes, he will always recognize those eyes. When he looked away from the hiding spot the figure sneaked behind him, grabbing his dagger.

He turned around, just to see the face of the figure before getting stabbed, right through the heart. The figure pulled back his dagger and let the body fall down, before running off.

The next morning the Camelotian knights and the Imardian knights woke up by shouting and quickly put their armor on before running out the hut and down the stairs. Then they were met by an audience of silent people, circled around a body. Léi quickly recognized the body and ran forward. "Brother? Brother!" Léi yelled and started crying, shaking his lifeless brother. Léi's other brothers walked towards him and put their hands on his shoulders.

"Why!" Léi shouted.


"He was killed coldblooded." Faun said and they all knew what he meant. Again somebody was killed by the traitor, again somebody knew who he was, but didn't had the chance to tell them.

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