The end

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A few weeks later, Merlin and Arthur were married. Their kingdoms now united. They were happy with each other, still are. And as if that isn't enough. Gwaine and Percival got married, same as Lancelot and Gwen. Albion had never seen such good kings, everybody lived and joy and everywhere you looked, you could see magic. The creatures were united with humans and there was never hunger, never cold, never war. Everything was good as it should be. And still, the death are remembered. Nobody will ever forget them, nobody ever want to forget them. Each year they would make a huge feast, honoring the ones that died. And Merlin and Arthur? They became the fathers of kids who didn't have any family, who were banished. The slave traders got executed and so did everybody else who harmed somebody with magic without explanation. But, everything happened with a fair trail and not everybody got executed. Some just got punishments or a warning. And everybody lived happily ever after.

Sorry, I suck in endings. Hope you enjoyed the story and see you soon in another story I'm gonna write? Or, maybe just in another fan fiction, who knows. Anyways, I hope you have a nice day/night and don't worry, the drawings are still coming when I have enough time. But for now, bye.

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