Battle for Imardin (Gwaine)

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When Arthur raised his sword and started running he followed, knowing that the others did too. Soon, they were in the battle field and he fought his way closer to Arthur, so did Leon and Percival. He and Percival fought side by side. He blocked an attack and pushed the men to Percival who ran him through. He gave Percival a flirtatious smile and Percival raised a brow.

"This is no time to flirt." Leon sighed.

"It is always time to flirt." Gwaine said and soon they were fighting again.

"See? Even Arthur is flirting." They looked at Arthur who was talking to a woman. They then rolled their eyes. He then noticed the girl with her sleek red hair and he saw how Arthur started to fight his way towards her.

"He found her!" Gwaine yelled and walked behind Arthur while he cleared the path. Percival and Leon following. He saw how Arthur ran thought the gate and they started running too until he noticed the girl. She wasn't facing them. It looked to be so easy to kill her now.

"We have to be careful, this is too easy." Leon said and Percival nodded. He just rolled his eyes.

"She's alone, we are with four. It's four against one."

"Don't forget that she's powerful." Percival whispered.

"And we can't kill her. It's Merlin's destiny to kill her." Leon also whispered. He didn't listen. He just walked towards Arthur and stood next to him. Leon and Percival following.

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