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This is in Húlí's pov.

She stared out the window, Morgana didn't bother her. Knowing that she would just snap at her. She suddenly noticed something moving in the forest and her eyes narrowed. There, the sun was glistening on a sword and when she looked better she could see blonde hair. She ran towards the throne room. Passing a hall with many servants. She opened the heavy doors and didn't bother to bow while she walked in. The throne room once filled with happy faces was empty. Only Halt and Morgana were sitting on their thrones.

Polished brazzers attached to one side of each of the fourteen limestone columns light up the low levels of the throne hall and engulf the throne hall in a brilliant glimmer. The intricately carved woodwork hanging from the arched ceiling dance in the flickering light while marble icons and statuettes look down upon the wooden floor of this monumental hall.

A jade rug runs from the thrones to the doors and is matched by smaller one on either side of the hall while pointed banners with gilded ornaments the walls. Between each banner hangs a torch almost all of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the statues of conquerors and victors below them. Grand, washed glass windows are concealed by drapes colored the same jade as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with impressive needlework and fine patterns.

Two dignified thrones of jade sit amidst two large statues and are adjoined by three almost identical seats esteemed guests. The throne is covered in nothing but labyrinthine designs and fixed on the backside is a sapphire face. The light pillows are a dark jade and these too have been adorned with emblazoned embroideries.

Those wishing to listen to their royal highness can do so on the many modest, yet comfortable elder benches, all of which are perfectly aligned in rows. The elders can instead take seat in the opulent mezzanines facing the benches below.

"Wat's wrong?" Morgana asked.

"They are ready to attack, my lady." She said, then, they heard the roars of dragons.

"Tell everybody to bring Merlin and his friends here, alive. The others may die." Morgana ordered and the girl nodded. She then ran off and told every knight who was loyal to Halt what Morgana has just said.

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