The door of the car slide open, revealing Chai and Jennie's manager right behind him. He narrows his eyes at the both of us, heaving out a sigh.

"I'll ignore the fact that you guys were just lapping faces and are close to having full blown porn in here but if you had or had not already fixed yourself, please do 'cause the staffs and casts would definitely find out what happened a few moments before meeting them, and Jennie please don't forget to cover the hickey. We'll give you both a few minutes." Chai stated, closing the door.

Jennie's face, if possible, grew redder and glared at me.

Uh oh, cat's out of the bag.

She pinched me on my side causing me to wince, "Ow!Ouch! Jen please stop!" I whined in pain.

"I specifically said to not give me any marks! Is that such a hard request!?" she hissed, pinching me harder.

I groaned, "I'm sorry!!! I couldn't stop myself 'cause you're so beautiful!"

 Her pinching stopped and I sighed in relief as I look at her, she was biting her bottom lip, suppressing a smile, a habit she does when she's happy.

 I grinned, "Am I forgiven?"

She returned pinching me making me groan once more.

She glared at me, "Stop pushing your buttons Manoban, hurry and fix yourself and help me fix your damn mess!" she snapped.

I flinched and immediately scramble and fixed my hair, wiping my lips to remove any smudge from Jennie's lipstick and straighten my clothes for any wrinkles on my hoodie that was caused by our heavy make out session.

I looked over Jennie who's reapplying her lipstick, removing any smudge as she looks at her face through her compact mirror.

"If you're done, get the concealer in my purse and apply it to the hickey. It's your mess, you better freaking clean it up Leo Manoban." she stated sternly.

I gave her a soldier salute, "Roger that mam!"

She rolled her eyes and I ignored her and fished out the concealer out of her purse. I squirt a bit on my hand and leaned closer to her neck, the smell of perfume already seducing me but I shake away the thoughts and instead, focus applying the cosmetic on the mark, blending it with my fingers and like magic, the hickey was hidden.

"Are you done?" she asked as I puts back her lipstick on her purse.

"Yeah." I replied, placing the concealer back inside her purse.

She looks at me as she straightens her hair, she was looking like an angel now rather than a sin just awhile ago.

She cups both sides of my cheek as she smiles lightly, "Whatever happens Leo, I promise I'll trust you with all my heart and in exchange, I want you to promise me to trust me as well." 

Her gaze told me everything I need to know and I smiled back, " I do trust you Jen, the gods know how much." I grab one of her wrist and twist my head from her hold to place a loving kiss on her palm, not removing my gaze on her feline like eyes.

"Also, I know my boss and your boss agreed for us to be introduced as a couple in national TV and I know how much some and even not Korean netizens don't like to know of us dating and we could get backlashes, I want you to not listen to them and just brace yourself. Me and the girls are just here to help you, okay?"

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