chpt 55)eight release , bighit's quarantine & dispatch 'exposing' me

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but today is the 13th of may and life is not going as happily as i would hope it would. a person across the street who works at a nearby building had caught the coronavirus and according to the governments guidelines and laws . everyone left the building and went straight home as soon as the news reached us. we also released statement that said "Health authorities are scheduled to carry out a disinfection of the MDM Tower on the 13th. Big Hit will faithfully follow the measures and guidelines provided by the authorities."

we would be back in the building tommorow and everything would be back to normal. but that meant that most of my meetings today would reschedule to tommorow, which meant i might not even get to go home.

17th may 2020

it has been , four days since the building shut down and everything is back on track. we are currently preparing for txt's music video release tommorow. for the past month i have been in and out of their recordings and music video i woke up and took a shower before following up with a good nap.i am too tired for any of this bullshit to be honest.

i got to the office a bit late because snow needed to be taken for a walk. so when i arrived late no one was too happy but it was inevitable. snow would just play with her toys in my office and at around 11am , when taehyung and soobin came into my office just to hang out with me , they played with snow whilst i read through emails.

i watched them as they played with snow so happily and contempt...until the door burst open and my phone began blowing up.

me: please knock next time. unnie once second i will just answer these calls.

yoona: DONT!we need to talk

taehyung: should we leave?

yoona ignored them 

yoona: dispatch just released and article and they exposed a lot of things about you.i dont even know where to begin. i - i-i-i-i i am so sorry .

me: what the fuck, sit down sit down. can you umm start off at the beginning.

i ran up to her and sat he down on the sofa opposite taehyung and soobin. i ignored them and focused on yoona.

yoona: the first one is about all the places you went to in new york. they stalked you on the trip there. the second article is about you taking snow to a grooming place a while back and the owners youtube video. uh uh i dont know

me: okay so new york and snow's grooming.

yoona: another article they released was about how you gave the bts members apartments as gifts.another article is about how "close you are to kpop idols"


yoona: its the last talks about how close you are to different idols..they talk about how most male idols try to become friends with you but you dont let people get close and and and and-

me: taehyung hyung can you turn my phone off its on my desk and soobin run down and get david hyung please.unnie , unnie its okay , you can tell me everything.

she hands me the iPad and i begin reading through the last article they released.

it basically said that i am close to only a handful of idols. they said that they idols who would admit they had feelings for me , i would stop hanging out with them and ask them to 'focus on fans'.

david and soobin run back inside and david takes yoona to her office so she can calm down.

taehyung and soobin stare at me from the opposing sofa.i throw myself into thoughts and begin to freak out.

kpop idol - meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora