Chapter 73: embrace

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News soon got out about what was discovered and all Sarah was able to do was limit the amount of information by tricking out small details to keep people satisfied. She never told me the full extent of what was discovered but I knew more than most people. The result of this was Sarah staying closer to me for more reasons than just love. I've tried talking to her about it but at the end of the day her response is always the same.
I don't blame her, the constant stress of her responsibilities and the fact that we were nowhere closer to finding our daughter piled up. I would often find fragile objects in her workplace cracked or clawed up as a way to not become hostile at those who she tried to protect.
She was no longer the same mischievous Cheshire that did her work with a smile, even though it was instinct to do so, I haven't seen her smile in days.
She had no siblings left, her mother was dead, and the constant reminder of those we lost still weighed down on her.
I waited in my room for her to come to bed like I did most nights. I waited for what felt like hours before I decided to search for her.
After some time I entered the planning room and found her still at her desk. The air was cold and heavy. Part of me felt nervous about going to her but I pushed that aside.
Seeing her head down on the table made me think that she was sleeping but then I heard the sound of her taking in fast and shaky breaths.
I rushed to her and gently place my hand on her back. She tilted her head up and looked towards me. Tears ran down her face and she looked so tired.
Her fur was matter and unkept, her bright eyes were dull, and her skin was pale. Upon seeing my face she did her best to stop but was unable to.
I said nothing and just wrapped my arms around her tightly.
The sensation of hugging her was almost indescribable. It was like I could feel the torture than she went through and is still going through. It was like we were one and her pain was my pain. I knew what she feared as she knew what I feared.
Her ears were down and she nuzzled her head under my chin.
I wish I did this sooner because now it was clear to me that something had broken her. The walls she put up had just crashed down and there was nothing to stop the flood of emotions that followed.
Why was she considered evil by the order? Sarah is proof that monsters can feel, hell, she showed more emotion than most humans I've met.
I held her tightly until she fell asleep but I dared to fall asleep myself. I wanted to watch over her, to protect her. I wish I could say that her dreams were pleasant but that would be a lie. She would occasionally let out whimpers and cried in the night but when she woke up I was still holding her, protecting her, as she once protected me. This was the least that I could after all she sacrificed, after all that she'd done.
She never wanted to be a queen, hell, she never wanted to be considered royalty. She wanted to put the order down, take a path of torment, suffer for the sake of all monsters and humans.
I didn't want to think of what horrors the next day might bring, instead I just focused on the slumbering girl in my arms and hoped that this was enough for her.

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