Chapter 71

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5 days later, Skye POV.

The last thing I remembered was falling and then I awoke in an unfamiliar place. The walls around me were made of metal and the air around me was freezing.
I had hoped to that I was able to outrun the conflict. While I am loyal to Y/N I was terrified of the order. If this is what captured me I knew I wasn't about to be rescued. I thought that I just had to fly far enough but the endless wastelands showed fields of blood and death. They claimed to fight for a chief goddess. What kind of goddess would let this kind of death happen? Surly they would look down and see the piles of corpses and make the fighting stop.
I heard a door open and I looked to see a man in armor. I was scared, there is no shame in saying as much... right?
"Come with me." Said a voice that had no emotion.
"What are you going to do?" I asked.
"I would tell you but our experiments show better results for those who don't have any prior mental experience relating to our work."
"Stay the hell away from me!" I shrieked.
"She's right." Hissed a female's voice that made my skin crawl.
"Skip over this one, I have plans for her." She said.
"As you command." Said the soldier as he back away with a much faster than normal pace.
When I laid eyes on the woman a sense of dread started to overtake me. Anxiety crept up my spine and it took all of my willpower not to have a panic attack.
"Your leader was killed in a raid on her land and in my mind her death was not slow enough. You not only were under her rule when she betrayed us but also fled. You're not only a betrayer you're a coward." She stated.
"The man I grew to care about was forced away from me so I decided to flee. You kill every monster you see and call me a coward for not wanting to die!" I shouted.
Faster than I could blink she appeared in front of me and struck the side of my face with enough force to make me collapse.
"You have pretty wings."
I didn't bother getting up.
"I was going to remove your wings after your death but now I'm not so sure if I should wait."
She stepped on my left wing and applied pressure until I felt something snap. I resisted the urge to scream and failed.
I searched for a name to call out to and only came up with Y/N but then again there was no reason for him to seek me out.
"Ma'am." Said a soldier. "Mori is on the line, he says it's urgent."
The woman sighed and stepped off of me and walked past the soldier.
They approached me and kneeled down before removing their helmet to reveal a woman with purple skin and dark hair. I felt as my injuries began to heal.
"In one minute the alarm is going to activate and you're going to run until you get outside. Once you do fly until you get to Y/N. You're attached to Y/N just like the queen is." She whispered.
I felt as something was forced into my hands.
"Make sure this makes it there."
All I could do was nod as the alarms blared.

The next day, Y/N's point of view...

The day was as normal as it could be given the circumstances. This changed quickly when a familiar griffin literally flew through the door and hit the ground. A USB drive flew out of her hand and skidded across the floor.
Sarah walked in and picked up the drive as if this event had taken place many times before. There was a sense of urgency in how she did it, no words, no emotions, she just entered the room, grabbed the drive, and left.
I discarded this thought and sat next to Skye before shaking her gently. When she made no movements I flipped her over gently. Her eyes were barely open but I could still see that her focus was on me, just barely. Her chest rose and fell quickly as she panted. She was covered in sweat to the point where it pooled around her. I noticed blood, a few bullet wounds, bruises, and cuts along her body where her clothes were tattered and torn.
"Skye... what happened?!"
She didn't respond.
I lifted her up and quickly made my way to dining area and got some water.
I lifted her head up and she immediately started to gulp the water down with little regard for air. Some other monsters watched from the distance. Some didn't recognize the griffin but those who did had mixed emotions on my care for her. After all they didn't know that she was the one who saved me from the monster group she had worked for. After some time another monster approached us and asked what was going on.
"I don't know." I replied. "She flew through the doors and hit the ground hard but that's not why she's this way, I think she's worn herself out... she seems very dehydrated and weak."
I accidentally touched one of her wings and she let out a quiet but clearly distressed squeak.
"S-sorry!" I said.
"You should try and cool her down." Said the monster. "Here." She said as she handed me a towel. I turned towards the monster and saw as multiple eyes blinked at me within her purple gelatinous form.
"Thank you." I said.
"You can thank me later... I might even tell you my name." She chuckled.
I thought nothing of this since she was far from the strangest thing that had occurred.
I put some cold water onto the rag and began to apply small amounts of pressure with it in Skye. After some time she started to perk up and her breathing began to slow to a normal rate.
I then felt her squeeze my wrist and I looked down towards her.
"Thank... you..." she whispered.
"Anytime." I said.

Forbidden love (MGE  harem fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora