Chapter three: wolf

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??? POV
The first thing I could remember was screaming, the second was cold chains, and the third was the sound of my blood dripping from my bare body. I cried out for help but I only heard laughing in response. The sound of a lock clicking drew my attention and I lost consciousness as a foot covered in metal plating rammed against my head.  It wasn't the first time this had happened, in fact if I got any normal sleep in the past two years I figured everyone else had died. I was used to getting my skull kicked in.

The next day

I was in a new location and there was at least two new chains holding me down. I noticed a man with a mask and growled towards him.

Guard: all you wolves are just the same, it's only a matter of time until you crack.

???: I take it that I'm in a transport, usually you just beat me into submission, I'm not used to being chained up in forty different ways.

I felt as the guard kicked me in the ribs until I coughed up blood. There was a shout which caused the guard to stop what he was doing. He was suddenly pulled out of sight and I heard a trickle of blood followed by laughter. A Cheshire cat walked into my field of vision but something was strange about her and it definitely wasn't because of the scar covering her closed left eye and the fact that she didn't have the stereotypical permanent smile.

???: my name is Sarah, I have a feeling that we'll meet again if you survive...

The Cheshire cat disappeared and I didn't have time to think as the transport flipped and rolled before I was upside down on the ceiling that was once a floor. I heard the sound of water rushing into the transport. I began to shout swears at the Cheshire but it became clear that I was completely under water and there was limited oxygen. I then shouted again because I knew that there was no one left to mourn my death, no one would care and even less people would recognize my name, Dawn. The water was rushing in faster and faster and the combination of fear and sadness forced tears out of my eyes.

I Heard an explosion that was followed by crashes and bangs. I had been outside along a worn down path in an attempt to find a pattern in the orders transport movements. I saw the transport in a deep lake and I was about to walk out away from the path when I noticed air bubbles coming from a holding module that was separated from the main transport. I had to at least check for survivors. I jumped into the water and looked through a crack in the armor. There was a werewolf who was partially submerged. I swam up for air before swimming back down and breaking through the armor which was already weak.
I struggled to undo the straps that attached to the chains. It was like untangling wires with how many different strands there were and the painful urge to breathe didn't help. I knew that if I went up for air I wouldn't get back in time so I pushed the urge away. My sight was beginning to fade and I began to panic. I saw a bright flash of purple light and broken metal sank to the floor. I didn't have time to think because both me and the werewolf were in danger of drowning. We broke the surface of the water but my vision continued to fade as my consciousness left me.

Dawn POV

I opened my eyes and began to cough violently, it was cold and I shivered but I felt a warmth and looked to see the man who had saved me. I noticed that he was barely breathing and looked extremely pale.

Luna: 'damnit Sarah, why did you have to do it like this?!'

Dawn: who just whispered that?

Luna: 'fuck'

Dawn: please, he needs help!

A manticore walked into my view and I grabbed the man as I knew what a manticore would want with him.

Luna: w-wait, I'm his wife... well one of... them... it's a long story but I don't wish him harm... I want to see if he's alright.

Dawn: Fine

The manticore approached the man and after a few minutes he opened his eyes. I watched as the manticore squeezed him and I sighed. I stood up and was about to walk away and enjoy my freedom when I felt a fluffy hand on my shoulder.

Dawn: leave me alone.

Luna: let me at least explain what's going on.

I sighed and listened to Luna's story. I wouldn't have begun to believe her if I didn't smell the raw demonic spirit energy on the man. My mouth watered at the smell and I bit my tongue to stop myself from showing any visible sign of this. I spent two years resisting being a pet and I wasn't starting now-

My mind went blank as Luna stroked my ears.

Luna: I don't know what the order did to you, but I promise we're not like them... we can give you a home... and if you don't like living with us I won't stop you from leaving.

I nodded slowly before I could verbally say no.


Two hours later

I awoke to find myself in two monster's arms. One was a lot warmer than the other monster who was in front of me. I could see Luna and tell that the other one was Fang. There was something different and I saw the werewolf that I had saved shivering on the ground. I slowly squirmed out of my captors grasp and say down next to the werewolf.

Dawn: (tiredly) I-I'm f-fine

I took a risk and wrapped my arms around the werewolf.

Dawn: (still tired, agitated) w-what are y-you-

The werewolf suddenly stopped shivering.

Dawn: (very tiredly) d-don't think that this means I've submitted... I just...

Dawn trailed off and fell asleep and you fell asleep not long after to the feeling of her mid sized chest rising and falling.

Same offer from last chapter stands. A semi wholesome chapter in a book like this, it is a cold day in hell. Thank you for the views and support and don't worry, there I will most likely be a lemon next chapter because I don't need hell to freeze or I owe tons of people money.

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