Chapter 65: Shock

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Mori's point of view...

After the satyros's death I had opted to do work at the base, this didn't completely please my mother but I didn't make her upset either. Fieldwork made me sick, this new sense of morality that was impeded in me already forced shame and guilt into my soul from events long passed... like when I killed my own brother. This is probably why when my mother gave me a new assignment I was not only furious, but sickened.
She led me to a dark room where a five year old girl with the traits of a Cheshire Cat was crying in the corner. My mother mentioned something along the lines of "quantum age increments" something that was originally used before the order decided it wasn't worth the hassle. This child was certainty something considering she literally survived better than most inside of a bubble/pocket dimension in complete isolation until someone bothered to pull her out.
"She has her father's spirit and her mother's mischievous nature, use your new found liking for monsters to make this one cooperate. Have her now that we will throw her back into the machine if she misbehaves." My mother instructed before turning to leave. "Oh, and try to keep your pants on this time."
Anger welled up inside me.
"You're sick." I spat.
"Actually, I believe I'm the cure." She then walked out.
I sighed and turned towards the child.
"I'm so sorry, kitten." I said.
She looked up at me with (insert your eye color here) eyes that were wet with tears.
"Do you have a name?" I asked.
"L...L...Loki." She said as if the word were stuck in her throat.
"Alright then, Loki, lets get you out of this dark cell."
Y/N's point of view...
When morning broke Fang I awoke to Fang carrying me. I had no idea how long she had been up and I didn't know where we were. I felt weak and my head was killing me.
"Good morning, human." Fang looked down at me lovingly.
"M-morning?" I asked.
Judging by the change in terrain I had expected her to say at least the afternoon.
"Hellhounds are primarily nocturnal, dummy. You of all people should know that... especially after... y'know." She replied. "And besides, I didn't want to risk them coming back to look for survivors."
I didn't respond.
"Human?" Fang asked.
I said nothing.
I shuddered as she spoke in a comforting tone that I never thought I would hear from a hellhound.
"You shook when I said your name... despite what you say do you still view me as the emotionless monster from that night?"
For once I opened my mouth to say something but I was shushed by Fang.
"Canine monsters naturally protect those who they care about and my species is no different. You're all that I have right now... you might be the only other person left. I saw no one else after the explosion... my ears are still ringing and at that moment I felt as if my mind had shattered. My ears are sensitive y'know, if someone used a dog whistle on me it would be annoying, maybe even painful, however through all the noise, through all the pain, I had one goal left, to keep alive. I don't know if there was anyone left but if there was I have no doubt in my mind that they would find heaven in hell after what I would've done to them. So please... human, y/n, just talk to me." Fang urged in a shaky voice.
"I'm sorry... everything just... I can't find the strength to do anything." I responded in an equally shaky voice.
Every emotion that I had ever hid began to well up inside of me and my walls came crashing down.
"Everything we worked for... everyone who died, they died for nothing! We lost, my daughter is gone, fathers are gone, mothers are gone, families are broken and forever separated and it's all my fault. In the long run it would've been better if I had died in that ditch... I-I wish that Luna never found me... I wish that Sarah never brought me back!" I felt as tears ran down my face as all of my emotions spilled out.
Fang looked around and sprinted towards a secluded area that wouldn't be seen if any order soldiers came by. She hid there and sat down to better hold me against her. She began to stroke my hair with one hand and caressed my back with the other.
"D-don't wish that... I-I'd rather submit to a kobold than think about that! I mean you say these things but without you Dawn would've either drowned or still be imprisoned, Hana was brutally raped and left to die and she would've without you, and Ruth... poor, poor, Ruth... she would've been shot to death by the soldier hunting her or if that didn't come to pass she would've died alone and scared, because of you she died without regrets, you made her happy. Things happen, our enemy is evil and doesn't care about anything, even their own soldiers, that's why you're alive, you're the good that will triumph, the light that snuffs out the dark, the hope that burns away sadness and sorrow. I love you, and I'm not afraid to let anyone know that I do." She said.
"I'm sorry..." I apologized. "I don't know where that came from... I didn't mean to put that all on you."
Fang changed my position and used a single claw to tilt my chin up to look her in the eyes.
"Never say that again!" She growled. "I love you but I'm not afraid to risk both of our lives by giving into my instincts with the order running around."
"I promise I won't." I assured her.
"Good boy." She teased placing a paw on top of my head and gently ruffling my hair.
"We'll get though this, Y/N, you won't leave my arms until we're safe and maybe for awhile after that." Fang whispered into my ear.
"Thank you." I responded.
Fang's ears suddenly twitched and her expression darkened. Her hold me me became loose and she helped me to my feet.
"Get behind me." She growled. I opened my mouth to ask what was going on but she cut me off. "NOW!"
I did as instructed and Fang turned towards the exit of our cover.
"Who the hell is out there!?" She shouted.
A figure walked into view that was clearly a hellhound but she had order regalia on armor that cling to her skin almost as tight as the various objects in her head that connected with each other through cables under her skin.
"Impossible..." Fang whispered.
I looked towards the figure approaching and a flurry of emotions shot through me. Those fuckers somehow made a hellhound submit to them.
"Step aside, I have orders to take the human to the capital with lethal force if necessary. If you every want a chance of seeing your husband again I suggest you let me take him without conflict." The hellhound instructed.
"Hell no you beta bitch!" Fang shouted as she charged.
The other hellhound chuckled. "The person I was before would've hoped this would be your response."
Fang lunged at her and in the next second the two hellhounds were rolling in the floor like a pair of rivals in a cliche cartoon, all that was missing was the cloud around them. Fang tumbled back and quickly got back to her feet. Despite the little time she was actually fighting Fang trembled slightly with each movement. She wiped blood from her mouth using her arm and spat towards the ground.
The other hellhound was covered in cuts and marks everywhere but her face which didn't have a scratch on it.
Fang charged again and swiped at the hellhound who effortlessly blocked the attack and did one of her own while Fang was distracted. I didn't see what happened but she let out a gasp and stumbled back with a paw pressed against her stomach.
"Fang!" I shouted in a panicked voice.
Fang let out a series of deep breaths that were disguised as snarls.
"I'm fine, Y/N!" She snapped.
The other hellhound chuckled. "I wouldn't describe a deep gash that almost cut through various vital organs as fine."
Fang suddenly punched the other hellhound. Her clawed fingers were held tightly together as she unleashed what looked like years of pent up anger.
The other hellhound stepped to the side slightly so that the punch hit her armor. The grey plates suddenly glowed red and electricity raced across her arm as she returned the favor and released a single devastating blow that hit Fang's jaw and sent her backwards with enough force for her to tumble and roll until she stopped at my feet.
I kneeled down and gently shook Fang, she didn't respond.
I looked up towards the hellhound who was slowly approaching.
"You bitch!" I shouted as I ran at her. I didn't even land a single hit before she grasped my arm and squeezed. I heard and felt snaps and pops running from my wrist to my elbow. I looked up and tried to hide the pain I felt as she laughed.
"Consider this a welcoming gift for the torture the order has planned for you." She snarled as she twisted my arm slowly.
"They have the technology to bring you back, make you into a soldier just like they did with Mori. The only person who is inconvenienced by me ripping your arm off is you. Your hellhound will die here, your resistance will die where they are, and you're nature will die at the capital. This is the end, you lost, now scream for me, human, fucking scream!"
In one solid movement she went from twisting my arm to pulling it.
I had to bite my tongue in order to keep myself from screaming, I didn't want to give that hellhound the satisfaction.
"I will rip off your limbs one by one before going to your organs. I will send your blood to the resistance drop by drop!"
There was another crack and I felt blood trickle down my back. I let out a cry and the hellhound thrusted me to the ground. She proceeded to kick me in the ribs. This felt familiar, who would've guessed that god would find an excuse to have a monster beat me into submission.
"You're nothing! You will die as nothing!" The hellhound hissed.
And then the beating stopped. I tried to sit up but I couldn't move, one of my arms didn't listen to my brain and the other felt like it would fall off if I gently tugged on it. I felt something wrap around me and painfully tilted my head upwards to see Fang looking down at me.
"H-how d-did-" I began. "It wasn't me." She answered.
I turned weakly and saw a woman in crimson clothes fighting off the hellhound with ease. In one final swipe she severed one of the pieces of tech and the hellhound fell to the ground. Seconds later she looked up and swore. The woman kneeled down and began to talk to the hellhound who just nodded before getting up and walking away.
The woman approached us and Fang growled.
"I mean no harm hellhound, in fact you should be thanking me, and also that human because you would surely be dead if he hadn't distracted her." She said.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Oh, I didn't introduce myself, how rude of me. My name name is Lady Xena and it appears that you are currently the highest ranking monster since Lady Sarah is not in any condition to lead as of now. I was hoping to get to you before anything else however it appears I didn't make it in time. However I will lead you to where the resistance is hiding." The woman said.
She looked down at me with comforting eyes. Her hair was blonde and eyes crimson red. She had stunning details and perfect skin. Her being seemed entirely unnatural beautiful as if she was designed to attract people with and without magic.
"Do you not know what I am, human?" She asked.
I shook my head.
"I am a Dhampir, my mother was a vampire and my father was a human." She answered. "But that is a story for another day, for now you two should rest, we have a long distance to travel."
I nodded. Fang was already asleep with me in her arms, quite frankly she deserved it. I smiled because I felt like we had a chance. We were going to survive.

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