Chapter 28: sacrifice

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2 months later...

Things were getting worse among the monsters. It was now that Sarah had managed to get everyone back home because of them getting flanked by a large fraction of the order's forces. To make matters worse, Sarah had teleported everyone at once and she was now in a state of comatose due to massive energy consumption. The only good thing that had happened was that a succubus named Nat who Hana immediately recognized as the sister of the man who she had watched Madam Mori order the death of.
Artemis had returned a month before everyone else but this was the second time she had even walked through the door.

Artemis: Y/N!

I rushed to the entrance to see her and asked why she was calling my name.

Artemis: they're coming back to finish us off and this time they won't stop until they have you... I think their leader or at least a high ranking officer is with them.

Y/N: why are you so sure of their success?

Artemis: there are monsters among them and they promised you as a reward for helping them.

I thought about this for a moment. I'm not an idiot, they would come back again and again as long as I was here and alive.

Y/N: was it just humans last time?

Artemis: that's not the point-


Artemis looked down and sighed. "Please don't do what I think you're about to do."

Y/N: we need Sarah to be awake in order to create a decent plan that will do enough damage, and besides, I survived a sex starved hellhound, I'll be find.

And with that I left. I heard as Artemis called my name but I didn't listen to her I sighed as I continued walking.

After a few hours I felt the presence of a harpy that was not an ally and I stopped walking. It was only after I hit the ground hard enough to nearly break my skull that I realized it wasn't a norma harpy.

Y/N: Griffin...

I lost consciousness seconds later

1 month later...
Y/N was correct in assuming the monsters wouldn't fight if they had him. After two failed attacks the order was trying to bargain with the monsters and while some left it didn't make a difference. As of now there were three factions, one being Sarah's, the other being the order, and the third being the ones who had captured me. But of course there was no way for me to know that at the time.

13 hours after I was knocked out...

I awoke on cold rocky ground. A large section of the cave that I was in was set aside as a makeshift cage. I heard voices arguing about me and as I heard someone approach the cage I fell backwards and almost broke my neck because of the collar on my neck. The arguing suddenly stopped and I heard footsteps. Suddenly the griffin from before entered my line of sight. She walked into my cell and licked her lips before throwing her clothes aside. She gave me a look almost made me feel bad for her that I was getting raped.

???: my name is Skye and I have been given the honor of draining you first

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???: my name is Skye and I have been given the honor of draining you first.

Y/N: Figures.

Skye: what's that supposed to mean?

The griffon pushed my down to my back and sat on my chest.

Y/N: don't know, I assumed that if you had me you wouldn't attack the monsters that I was with. If I was correct in that statement I knew that the chances of me being both a slave and a food source were high.

Skye looked saddened for a second before returning to her emotionless state.

Skye: that's kind of a pessimistic view, it really depresses me.

Y/N: I learned to change my views on a whim so the only emotions I have to experience are acceptance and pleasantly surprised.

Skye: what would you consider as being "pleasantly surprised?"

Y/N: someone at least pretending to give a damn whether I live or die.

Skye: we will give you what you need to survive, and if you cooperate with us you might even be able to leave this cell.

Y/N: someone can be alive but it doesn't necessarily mean that they are living.

Skye looked down for a second before meeting my eyes.

Skye: I will talk to the others... but for now I can't control myself.

I nodded.

Skye wasted no time in inserting me inside of her and after the first thrust I heard her let out a cry that sounded like both a human cry and one of an eagle's. She wrapped her wings around me and soon the feeling of comfort that the soft fur-like feathers forced all movement to stop on my part. In a matter of seconds Skye had changed her personality to the point where she wasn't having sex with me out of necessity, but out of love. As if we were both connected we climaxed at the same time and Skye let out or cry similar to the one before.
There was a loud crash and seconds later Skye was thrown off of me.

Skye: Lilith.. don't do it!

I looked at the girl who had done this and found that it was a succubus.

Lilith: you had a job and you failed. I told you to wait until after starving wasn't an issue to have intimate relations with the slave.

The succubus has a look of annoyance on her face.

Y/N: its alright, skye, I'm not going anywhere

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Y/N: its alright, skye, I'm not going anywhere.

Skye stood up, nodded, and walked out of the cell without bothering to dress herself. She just slowly walked out of the room whilst awkwardly covering herself.

Lilith: what was I coming in here to do? Oh yeah, drain you until a single drop of spirit energy is all that separates you and death.

I watched as she kneeled down and blew on my member. I tensed up as I became unnaturally hard.

Lilith: we aren't your normal monsters, I even believe that sexual relations with us wouldn't harm any you had with the other monsters, although it won't matter since you most likely will never see them again.

I felt a pang or sadness as it dawned on me how little of a chance I had to see the people that I love again.

Lilith: I'm not even surprised that my sister never spoke of me, after our argument she probably convinced herself that I was dead. I guess it doesn't matter now.

I was stunned and before I could recover I felt as I grew very tired.

Lilith: I'll cut you some slack today, I'm sure that was a lot to take in. Hue hue hue~

I lost consciousness seconds later.
I don't know how long I was asleep for but I awoke to find myself surrounded by a strange warmth. I then noticed Skye who was holding me in place from behind. I allowed a small smile to show on my face as I knew that if things were bad here, I had someone to comfort me.

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