Chapter 27: an old friend

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After that moment things were relatively peaceful. It wasn't until a few days ago that things began to become scary. We lost most of our scouts and two of us had been killed. About half of our group had left the city out of fear and I didn't blame them. I wasn't expecting things to get much worse but I was wrong.

At around 10:30 the power went out. I could hear gunshots from the entrance despite how far away I was from it. There was screaming and shouting, some were fear born while others were battlecries. The door was blown off of its hinges and I felt as a bullet went through one of my knees. I crumbled to the ground and watched as Hana stood in front of me. She shouted something and took a swing at the shooter but I heard a gunshot and a bullet flew through her chest. Anger coursed through me and I blacked out. When I came too I was lying on top of Hana with two more bullet holes in me. The shooter was dead and had two of his limbs torn off. The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness was a man in dark armor walk through the door.
End of flashback
My time with Hana had ended, I remember waking up in another city and read a report about the incident that I had caused. The order had used mind flares to wipe mine and everyone else's memories. What I had never known before tonight was the extent of what Hana had gone through. In the end they broke her will in order to make her forget about her past and then broke her again by sending her to the order's leader. We shared the things that we remembered and took comfort in the fact that we survived.
Hana wrapped her arms around me and laid her head down on my chest. I could hear whimpers come from her as she cried. I comforted her until we both eventually fell asleep.

Two days later...

Today was the day when Sarah was supposed to be in teleportation distance so I was waiting outside for whoever she sent first. I was caught completely off guard by a feeling that someone was watching me. There was a mixture of a deep yet somehow shallow breath that sounded like panting. I slowly turned around and for a split second saw a face that I had coincidentally remembered the day before. That split second passed and kolb-hound? hell-bold? It doesn't matter because whatever the technical term for this monster was it was right on top of me.

Jade: what do you know, the Cheshire was telling the truth after all~

Y/N: I-I thought you died!

Jade: and I thought that you were made a mindless drone by the order, so touché.

Of course Sarah had planned this out, what didn't that girl know.

Y/N: is anyone else still alive?

Jade: Estela and a few others, although Estela is not what you call living, sure she's alive, but she's been depressed ever since we were wiped out. She's with Sarah now and she's going to arrive with the next group. I was just a proof of concept that we were in range because I'm half of a monster that won't die and half of a monster that is more resilient than some would believe. Also, my hellhound side wanted to... taste you~ and my kobold side just wanted to cuddle with you because you did save my life all of those years ago.

A lump formed in my throat when I realized that she was half hellhound and I already was a husband to a hellhound.

Y/N: but I already have a hellhound wife...

Jade: half monsters don't count, silly!

With the first thought out of my head I began to realize how in sync she was with both of her halves. If seems that she now had a balance between her lustful and playful default instincts that kobolds and hellhounds had. Seconds later Jade licked me and I felt as a shiver worked its way down her body.

Jade: you're like an endless ocean of spirit energy~

Y/N: I wouldn't say endless, I got drained by a hellhound which is why everyone else is so far away...

Jade: the amount of spirit energy a person has is like a muscle, the more it's drained and refilled, the more it can hold.

I nodded to show that I understood. I tried to get her off me but Jade growled in response.

Jade: I thought you were dead for the last few years, the least you can do is lie here with me.

I stopped trying to get up and just allowed Jade to get closer to my face and lick me. I saw Mara out of the corner of my eye and as she approached Jade looked up.

Jade: I'm not surprised someone like you has other monsters here, I guess it's only fair that I share you~

Mara mewed happily before lying down next to us much like a normal cat would. After some time they both fell asleep and I soon followed suit as I didn't know what the next day had in store for me.

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