Chapter 29: home

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One month later...

I no longer spent my days chained up in a cage. I was trusted and I trusted them. The only thing I wasn't able to do was leave, but besides that I was fine. I missed the others but if I was going to stay sane I had to push those thoughts aside.
I tossed and turned as I remained deep in thought as I wasn't able to fall asleep. I suddenly heard movement and sat up to see the outline of a figure with large wings who seemed to be fidgeting with her long hair out of nervousness.

"come on." I said beckoning the figure towards me.

The girl shuffled towards me and eventually wrapped her wings around my body in order to press up against me to the best of her abilities. Despite being a griffon, Skye was actually sweet and didn't care for many materialistic items. The only thing that I had seen her act defensive over was me and because of this the other girls tried their best to keep us separated. This obviously never worked as she would always sneak towards me in the dead of night and leave before the sun rose. However tonight was a different and Lilith entered the room earlier than normal. This surprised both of us because ever since she worked draining me into her schedule she never changed the time that she arrived.

I expected Skye to release me but she didn't. Lilith shouted her name angrily but Skye didn't comply. After some time I felt as Lilith pried me out of Skye's grip. She bit my neck, I remembered when Sarah had mentioned that she had more than one monster trait, I guess this applies to all of her family.

I felt as blood dripped from my neck and I knew that Lilith wanted this to hurt, she wanted me to be afraid, to have my life in her hands. My vision began to fade and I was dropped to the ground. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't even make a sound. Was this Death? Was I dead? Skye was shouting but I couldn't hear her, I assumed that it was directed towards Lilith about me because the demon looked down and went pale upon seeing my crumpled form. Skye lifted up my body and wrapped her wings around me as she walked away. I could faintly hear Lilith's protests but the griffon didn't listen to her. Once we were outside Skye used her human arms hands to keep me in place as she took flight. She flew fast and I could see fear in her eyes.

Minutes later she landed in front of the place that I had called home. There was a flash and I was ripped from Skye's arms and found that I was in Artemis's. The dragoness handed me off to Luna and I watched as she took out her bow and aimed. The griffon didn't move. Against my better judgment I forced the little spirit energy I had left out and shouted for Artemis to stop. For a split second I faded as my living form threatened to give way and part from this realm. I hit the ground as I faded through Luna's arms. They looked at me with a mixture of panic and horror as all three of them rushed to my side. I was picked up and brought inside and we heard a noise that surprised us.
Sarah walked up to Luna and pulled me out of her arms with no effort. I could feel anger coming from Sarah as she placed a hand on my forehead and I felt a rush of spirit energy course through me. Before I lost consciousness I heard Sarah speak. "So, you met my sister."

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