Chapter 50: The end of the battle of mind and heart

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Luna's point of view...

We had underestimated the enemy. We were unable to retreat. We were surrounded. I watched as the more humanoid monsters peaked out from the alleyways with guns that they had taken from fallen soldiers. Slimmer monsters with claws were led through the shadows by those who knew how to survive by not being seen in a hope to create a gap by attacking the enemy from behind. Monsters like Fang and I helped whenever we could, but trying to do anything would be suicide, not that I would be cross with the idea of dying to secure a victory.
I heard someone shout "Runes" and watched as a succubus began screaming as she quite literally melted into the ground. I shouted those who were directly associated with the undead to fall back but when I turned I saw that Fang was no longer at my side.
I watched as an arrow hit her shoulder and the wound began to smoke. Her eyes looked like a star going supernova, she just tanked the blessed shots and ran forwards. 'What's your plan, girl?!'
When she was close to the enemy line she threw something and seconds later an ear piercing blast shook the ground. When the smoke cleared there was a pile of smoking rubble and no sign of life. I choked back a cry as I shouted for our forces to charge. As we ran the sound of a plane's engine became audible and I watched as I mowed through a few flying monsters.
There was a crack in the sky as something struck the plane. A harpy by the name of "Sorrell" was barely visible as she farted through the air like a bolt of red lighting. Her crimson feathers creating an impressive display in the sky as she mercilessly attacked the plane. Sarah had mentioned her when I was young, and just like most monsters who had mutations that led to having the ability to harm humans, she fled.
I head Sarah talking about a man she took a liking to in the First World War, a German pilot who became known as "The Red Baron," she never approached him directly but always watched his many victories from above. She also watched his death and approached him as he was dying, Sorrell fled when multiple soldiers made it to the plane and not even Sarah saw her after that day.
Before the initial battle, Sarah had the ability to communicate with every monster with this mutation. She never told me how many there were and how many responded, but somehow I knew that Sorrell was one of those who wanted to get back at the order. The answer as to why was simple, she spent most of her time in Germany before the cities even started to rise, before a war of that scale was even being considered. The order took over and turned her home into a hell for her species and other races. Thunderbirds were typically ferocious, but Sorrell had the ability to act sweet and save her fury, when she got pissed off the world shuddered, according to Sarah at least.
Sorrell took the plane down within minutes and she swooped towards it and sent the flaming piece of metal towards the resisting order before sending a bolt of lightning towards it and destroying the offense and giving us the opening that we needed.
We rushed forwards and I stayed back to make sure everyone was safe. As I followed the group I heard grunting. I turned and looked down to see Fang lifting a large piece of metal off of her. I quickly helped out and Fang crawled from the scrap.
"I thought I was screwed until a fricking plane knocked a good amount of the metal away." Fang panted.
I wrapped my arms around her tightly. "If you ever do that again I swear if you don't die I'll kill you myself!"
Fang embraced me back, and for a second it was like we were kids again. Hiding from the order, tremble by day, run by night. Day after day until Sarah found us.
"Hey, I know that you just went through something traumatic, but we kind of are in the climactic point of a large battle." Said a voice that seemed to mature for the body that it came from. I turned around and sorrel was perched on a metal pillar that was still standing.

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