Chapter 33: The demon awakens

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Artemis's point of view...

I stared at the ceiling as I tried to pry myself free. When the order transport was liberated I don't know what I expected. I had already been violated, my body desecrated, and my vow to Y/N broken, the vow that I killed my father to solidify. Now I was here, chained up and with my only purpose being to help an evil princess create her combined monsters. I went through this over and over in my head and let my anger grow. A steady flame in my soul began to burn brighter and brighter as I focused on a single goal: freedom. I knew that Y/N had been here and it was the thought that he was here that made me even more furious. Never before had I used the term "so close, yet so far," so accurately. One chain broke and then another and then another. I stood up and fell as my legs were numb and gritted my teeth as they slowly began to feel like limbs again. I used the pain that this caused to stand up and dig my claws into the door that blocked me and the metal around my claws began to melt. I shoved the door open only to find that it had originally been hidden in the wall around it.
I noticed that there was various forms of lab equipment around me and I moved onwards until I found a weird tank. There was thick glass that still felt warm despite being inches if not, almost a foot, thick. I took a closer look and noticed something strange about the creature, it was almost like a dragon but had fur poking through its scales. I suddenly noticed a birth mark on the creature's waist, it was the Greek letter "omega" which glowed a color between pink and red. My mouth was suddenly dry and I looked down at my own naked figure and found the same birthmark. I stumbled backwards and knocked over a vial which shattered. The liquid was black and purple, I watched as it expanded and a tentacle shot out and tried to wrap around my leg. I sidestepped and the tentacle hit another table and more vials shattered before joining the original substance. The substance stopped moving as if it was planning out its next move. I took this time to look for an exit but found none. If it was anything like the cell I was in, the door was well hidden.
I stopped searching as the sounds of glass shattering startled me. The goo started to cover the ground under me and I used my wings to hover. I never realized how tired I was, how long had it been since I had any type of sustenance, food or soup based? Days? Maybe weeks? Even I, a dragon, has limits. I heard another crack and the containment tank had been breached and the goo was moving towards it. I suddenly realized that the level of the liquid was fading. As soon as I was able to, I landed and collapsed as an unexplainable weakness washed over me. A foot appeared in front of me and I looked up to see the creature that had been in the tank. I then realized what the substance had been: raw demon magic. I suddenly found the energy to run but a weird substance grabbed one of my legs. I hit the ground and was pulled back. I jammed my claws into the stone floor and gritted my teeth as it seemed like they were being torn from under my nails. One broke and then another and then another. Eventually I let go as a result of the pain. A small trail of blood trailed my limp hands where my claws broke off. Two similar tentacles wrapped around my wrists and I was pulled up to stare my attacker in her eyes. It was like looking into a mirror except her skin was grey and her eyes glowed white.
"I sense that you've been starved of spirit energy due to a blocker that was injected. The infected seminal fluid could still be of use to me. Stay still while I extract it, move and I might drain the little that currently sustains you, move after that and I will drain you until you're a hollowed husk and use your scales to decorate my figure." The girl threatened.

I felt as the tentacles ran over my skin and through my hair as a thick liquid seeped from them. I squirmed as the tentacle teased my entrance and resisted the urge to fight as it shot inside. I suddenly lost control when a tentacle went into my mouth and I bit down as hard as I could. The monster swore and small tentacles wrapped around my neck and worked its way to my mouth before forcing it open. A sudden pain erupted from inside of me and I screamed. I suddenly lost the will to fight and just wanted to curl up into a ball.
"I warned you." Whispered the woman.
I felt blood trickling out of me as I shut my eyes and waited for the relentless pain to stop.
I heard a loud bang and the monster stopped thrusting into me. I sensed a large burst of energy and the girl hissed before dropping me to the ground. Through my blurry vision I saw the monster disappear in a flash of purple light. I lied on the ground and tried to control how much I was shaking when I foot gently tapped my side. I turned my head and saw Lilith.
"If I wasn't impressed by the fact that you survived that I would kill you myself for unleashing a monster worse than satin on our world." She stated.
That was the last thing I heard before losing consciousness.
2 days later...
When I woke up I expected to be back where I had started before being raped by a demon, however I was far from that. I looked to my left and found Y/N sleeping on a chair next to the bed I was in. I didn't think as I jumped out of the bed and wrapped my wings around him. He woke up and smiled as he worked to keep his eyes open. I kissed him and through the exchange of saliva I could tell that he had been drained. I chuckled at this. "I guess I wasn't the only hunter turned prey." I joked.
"It feels as if I'm always prey." Y/N responded. I was annoyed that Y/N felt like that about himself and I pulled him onto the bed before fully wrapping my wings around him as I wrapped one arm around him and pressed a hand against his chest.
"Then you're my prey, but that's because I'm a huntress goddess, everyone else doesn't count and when you're on the field any and all enemies are targets during your hunt." I whispered. I didn't hear a response, I looked towards Y/N's eyes and found that he was asleep. I kissed his forehead and followed suit with a smile on my face.

Sarah's point of view...

Lilith stood on the edge of a ruined wall and looked at the barren demonic landscape. She gripped the stone rails so hard that it started to crack.
"I hope that this means we can finally make peace between us." I said.
Lilith looked at me through the corner of her eye and I saw a guilty look in it.
"I know that you aren't stupid, why are you even bringing this up after I didn't tell you that your daughter was alive." Lilith muttered.
"But she is, and if she and so many other monsters are going to survive we have to look past that, sister." I said. Lilith looked back and nodded with a smile on her face.

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