Chapter 39: The chosen

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The next day...
It was obviously not easy to tell when daytime was if you're on the bottom of a body of water that is deep enough to block out the sun and is enchanted to support all types of life apart from creating oxygen, however it seemed as if Mako was naturally in tune with the passage of time. Maybe she was an early riser, maybe she didn't like sleep, whatever the answer was I assumed that it had something to do with the scar on her back. I decided against asking about it.
About half an hour passed and Mako took me to the surface and a tap on my shoulder caused me to jump. I turned around to see Rosalind and heard a splash which is what I assumed to be Mako going underwater.
"I'm so glad that you two got together, she's been lonely ever since she was left almost dead after being attacked by the order. She probably would've died if Christian hadn't found her. Usually she's not this shy but men aren't a common commodity here and she probably didn't want to ruin her chances." She explained.
I asked her who Christian was and she told me that it was the man who had been at her side. The scorpion beckoned me to follow her and I did but out of the corner of my eye I saw Mako watching us and I waved which caused her to go back under the water while blushing.
I continued to follow Rosalind into a room. The door locked behind us and she motioned got me to have a seat. I did as instructed and I watched as she went into a position like sitting but with six insectoid legs.
Without warning she began to speak.

"As you know monster were not always like this, it wasn't until my mother took her father's place that her disgust of bloodshed changed the monsters forever. Despite a long uphill battle for acceptance there were still people who hated our kind. The order revealed itself before the Second World War and was arguably one of the causes of it. Sarah was sent to try and reason with the order but didn't leave after she failed. When things got violent she went underground with her husband and daughter. Her husband was killed and her daughter was taken. When she made it back to our home she was grief stricken and full of anger. She wanted to go back and find her daughter but we wouldn't let her. In the end she experimented with her magic. Cheshire cats merely bend the natural laws but in the end are apart of it like everyone else. Sarah managed to use her magic to not only create advanced changes, but make them a fact of life. She shatters the natural order to change a normal human into something greater. In essence she created an incubus that acts as a carrier for dark magic instead of a conduit, and used magic similar to that of a bicorn. She called it her chosen, and each one is a wielder of both light and dark magic. The first group of chosen had twenty members and fought during the end of World War Two, the second only had ten members and fought during the orders reemergence, now you and Chris, fight in what I hope the be the battle that finally ends the order. The reason why the numbers keep getting shorter is because when one of them dies their death hits her like she lost a husband, she loves some more than others but I don't envy her pain when she loses one. That's why when Christian almost died she allowed us to come here, she didn't want to lose another one. I understand if you don't want to go back, no one will blame you if you stay here, but if you do return to the fight, you have my word that I will do whatever I can to support you and my sisters."

I thought for a moment. Everyone could come here and we would live in peace away from the order, but was that right? Ruth couldn't sleep without seeing the people who attacked her, Hana hadn't known freedom until recently because of them, and Eve, poor, poor Eve. In the end all she really wanted was someone to love, it was her beastial nature that made her what she was, and after she learned what she was doing wrong she was gunned down trying to protect me. Sarah lost people, her husband, her daughter. Even I had been ripped away from someone that I had cared about and my memory was purged to forget it. Maybe running wasn't cowardice, but it certainly wasn't right. Sarah chose me and I was going to do the right thing. I looked Rosalind dead in her eyes.
"When the dust settles one side will remain, and I intend to make sure the order is the one that falls." I swore.

One day later...

I was sleeping on the shore partially submerged with Mako when I was awakened gentle tap. I opened my eyes to see Sarah smiling down at me.
"Nice to have you back, I always wondered how I was going to expose you to sea monsters, seems like my sister solved that for me." She said in her usual chuckle. "It's nice to see you too, Sarah." I smiled. 

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