Chapter 45: Loss of life (dark as fuck)

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(Not even gonna sugarcoat this one.)

It took a large amount of time but we managed to free and reassure the captured monsters. During this process at least a dozen order soldiers were brought in, they had been volun-told to be the husbands of multiple single and semen starved monsters. Out of those dozen, three of the soldiers were young and had only heard the horror stories passed down by the order, these were the ones who seemed the happiest out of the unwilling volunteers and one of them gave us the information we needed to get the lights on which nearly blinded a few batgirls.
Some of the monsters had already left the room and joined in the fighting and I decided to follow alongside Luna and Eve. Things quickly got chaotic and we were fighting for our lives. When the fighting paused Luna tensed up and I felt as she grabbed my hand. I looked towards her and she was trembling.
"I hear a little girl, she's crying for her father." She said.
I asked her to lead the way and we broke off from the main group and found another room. The fighting had spread far beyond the hallways and corridors as this room was partially damaged. The walls were lined with rows upon rows of capsules with various shapes and sizes. We approached one and Luna ducked down and covered her ears and I noticed that her tail was pointing to one of the capsules. I walked over to it and through the foggy interior I could see somethin struggling. I opened the capsule and found a hellhound pup- hellpup, heckpup?- now wasn't the time. I lifted the child out of the capsule and resisted the urge to drop her as her skin was so cold that it stung against my hand.
She was making high pitched whimpers and cried as she shivered painfully. I heard as someone shouted from behind us and I turned to see a hellhound glaring at me with a murderous stare. "Wait! She was trapped in one of those containers! I got her out!" I shouted.
The hellhound approached us and I slowly approached her before handing off the pup. Upon having the girl in her hands the hellhound immediately lost her composure and just wrapped her arms around the girl as she sat on the ground rocking her back and fourth while resisting the urge to start crying.
I heard armored footsteps and I summoned my weapon and waited for whatever entered the room, but seconds later Chris ran inside with Vin right behind him. He took one look at the hellhound before throwing his weapon to the side and wrapping his arms around her.
This reunion was cut short as an order soldier suddenly appeared and fired at a conduit on the roof before vanishing. Luna suddenly went very pale.
"That soldier... just doomed all of those kids..." Luna suddenly gasped. "I hear a manticore... I feel her... no... no that's not possible!"
I ran over to where Luna was staring at and clawed open the capsule to find a frozen child. She had your eyes. She wasn't breathing. She was dead.
"That fucking bitch! She knew this would happen! She set this up! She set this all fucking up!" I shouted. I clutched the child close and began to cry. I felt a tail wrap around me and then arms and then a pair of paws. "She never lied... she promised to take my child from me like I did to her. How many children did that psycho just kill in order to enact vengeance on one soul." I shuddered.

"These monsters were disconnected from whatever thing keeps their souls in this world... every soul that was connected to a machine when it went offline... gods..." Vin whispered. I turned to her and saw that she was looking towards Chris and the hellhound who now were in their own mournful silence.
The next day
The battle had been won as the order pulled back from the lab and retreated back to more defendable areas. Vin took on the task of finding the parents of the many children who had unfortunately been killed. During this time Luna had slipped away from the other monsters and I went to look for her. After an hour of searching a spine flew past my face and grazed my cheek.
I looked up and saw Luna sitting on the edge of a tall building with her feet dangling off of the side. I quickly ran inside and made my way up the stairs. About halfway up I lost count of the flights and by the time I was at the top I swore that my lungs were trying to kill me. I walked through a door and onto the roof; Luna didn't even turn around. I sat next to her and she didn't make a sound, I couldn't even tell if she was alive.
"Luna, please, say something." I pleaded. No response. I sat by her for twenty minutes, held her hand, scratched her ears, even massaged her wings, still no response.
I stood up. "Luna, I know that you don't want to talk right now, but it's not good to keep this inside, she was my daughter too." No response. I looked down at the ground and knew that it would be a shorter journey up than down.
"Luna, don't make me do it." I muttered. No response. I sighed and stepped off of the roof. I was in free fall and out of the corner of my eye I saw that Luna wasn't moving. Fuck.
Time seemed to slow as the ground approached and I shut my eyes tightly and waited to hit the ground. Instead of this I felt claws dig into my skin before tumbling on the concrete and into the muddy ground.
I looked up to find her seething with anger and a murderous expression. I tried to move but my arms and legs were pinned in a way that her claws purposely missed the veins on my wrists but it wouldn't take much to send one of the razor sharp appendages through them. I felt as one of my legs was pincushioned and I was completely paralyzed.
"You wanted me to talk? Alright I'll start talking!" Luna shouted.
This was obviously not going to end well.

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