Chapter 20: a mistake

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One day later, night...

The halls were surprisingly dark, I heard heavy footsteps and turned around. I heard a groan which was followed by heavy breathing.

Fang: I've held back long enough... I need you inside of me... I need your children!

I heard the sound of something jumping and sidestepped just in time for a hellhound to sail past me. Not only was it a full moon, but I was pretty sure Fang was in heat. Fang landed on her paws and stood straight up before turning around with the look of wild lust. Fang pounced and I wasn't able to get away in time before she held me down.

Fang: F-Finally... after so much time and stalling with Lilith... I can't take it!

I felt hot air on my neck and it traveled up to my head. Fang nibbled on my ear as she used her claws to shred my clothing. I watched as she tossed the fabric strands away, there was no use in fighting back. I took a shaky breath as Fang looked down at me, my length was fully erect in front of the (heckpup's ((I had too at least once)))

Fang: what are you?! Nervous?

Y/N: considering that you're my height plus half and you have the power to rip me to shreds, I think that I have that right.

Fang: sure, but tonight...

Fang: sure, but tonight

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Fang licked her lips and slowly ran a claw across my length. She laughed when she saw me squirm under her. Fang removed the little clothing she had on and sat on my length. The hellhound howled in delight. Her gigantic paws pressed down on my chest as she pushed herself up and down on my member. She painted wildly with a crazed look in her eyes.

Fang: it's been so long~

Y/N: you're not going to make me say that I wanted you to do this.

Fang: you don't have to you're already harder than diamonds, of course unless you get turned on from being raped~ 

I came but that didn't even phase Fang, in fact she went faster.  The hellhound howled as I came again and again. I looked outside to see the sun rising, maybe she would stop then. After hours of being a plaything, I almost lost consciousness.

Fang: Y/N?!

Fang immediately stopped and shook me gently.

Fang: t-this isn't funny! S-say something! Please!

I groaned but it was barely audible.

Fang: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I-I didn't mean to lose control!

Fang picked me up and held me close to her. I never realized how cold I felt until Fang had warmed me up. 

Fang: I-I can barely remember most of what happened... h-how much spirit energy did I take?!

I heard footsteps and felt as I was viciously ripped from Fang's grasp.

Luna: I cant believe that you would do this!

Fang: I-I didn't mean to-

Luna took a step back.

Luna: if it was a broken pelvis, that could be excused. But this! I've seen corpses in better condition!

Fang: Luna, I didn't mean to do this! Please, just let me help you.

Luna's tail lashed out at Fang, it didn't break skin but I could tell that Fang was hurt emotionally. I heard a whimper and Fang ran off.

Luna: *sigh* hellhounds, they just don't understand limits.

The manticore broke one of the spikes off of her tail. Remembering what her spikes could do I eyed it with a scared look in my eyes.

Luna: don't worry, this will give you some of the spirit energy I saved up. Spirit energy can be transferred through nearly any bodily fluid so when you kissed me yesterday, I received enough spirit energy to last for the rest of that day. It's more effective if you have a strong bond... and since we married first... *sigh* I was able to feel that you were in danger, I thought I was paranoid but I couldn't ignore it any longer and... I should've *deep breath in and out* I should've just ran to you... what kind of wife am I? My husband almost died...

I felt a slight prick in my side and I heard Luna squeak slightly as spirit energy was transferred between us. I started to feel the way I should've felt as my condition improved past dangerous. Instead of feeling tired and heavy, I now felt slightly alive and sick. I felt sweat pour from my skin and I shivered.

Luna: d-damn, you're sweating bullets... this is why I don't trust hellhounds, they have little regard for their partners until after they die.

Y/N: S-she looked like... she felt terrible...

Luna: *sigh* you unleash a good percent of your magic on someone who killed one person in front of you, swore eternal vengeance on the people he worked for because of this, and tried to fight a god because of something his daughter said. Yet when you nearly get raped to death THATS where you decide to forgive?

I shrugged.

Luna: at least wait until you can walk again.

I nodded.

The next day...

I awoke to fine my arms and legs bound together. Oddly enough my clothes were stood on which meant I wasn't about to be raped... probably... I fully opened my eyes and noticed that there wasn't just a blanket covering me, but a fluffy hellhound embracing me. My heart raced slightly at the memory of what happened before and as if she knew I heard Fang whimper.

Y/N: Fang...

Fang: I-I'm sorry... I couldn't control myself... please don't hate me...

My back was facing most of Fang so I really couldn't see much of her, I mentioned this and she rolled me around.

Y/N: I don't hate you... if I was able to talk for myself I would've easily forgiven you... it's just that Luna was defensive because I was almost dead...

Fang: really?

I nodded.

Fang: *under breathe, slighter higher in pitch* darling...

She licked the side of my face, every part of her radiated heat. It was just warm enough to be extremely comfortable, but not to the point where it could reach the point of discomfort.

Y/N: would you like if I let you call me that?

Fang blushed and nodded shyly.

Y/N: alright

Fang embraced me tighter, I see her face inches away from mine and her warm breath.
Her blue tongue gently ran from my cheek and eventually to my lips . I felt as she kissed me.

Fang: darling...

Her speech was muffled but I could understand her clearly. The hellhound undid my bindings and I gently caressed her blur fur.

If there's anything I picked up from Fang, it would be that even the strongest monsters, can have gently emotions if you look hard enough.

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