his eyes land onto me, shocked at my words. "this has nothing to do with you." he says going to walk around towards anne. "she's my sister her business is mine." i say back stepping in between the two. who does he think he is?

"who's your sister?" slight fear evident in her voice, anne begins to speak before things get carried away. "prissy andrews, dummy." he responds eyes glancing over both of us. "sorry. i truly meant no harm. i-" i hear her apologize, i stand in the middle of the two, preventing billy from getting any closer to her.

"hey, billy" i hear the voice not far into the woods. i see a boy emerge from behind a tree much like billy did, but seeming to be with good intentions. "how's it going?"

"hey, gilbert." billy now not to intimidating. i smile at that. "man, it's-its, um, it's good to be back." the boys goes on. "um. yeah. yeah, welcome back."

"yeah, it's good to see you, buddy. so you guys, uh, playing a game or something, right?" the boy asks eyes landing on both our figures. "looks fun, but we should probably get to school, eh? hate to be tardy. mr. phillips sure gets his dander up about that."

"yeah. i was just about to get going. see you there." what just happened?

"you alright miss?" the unfamiliar boy asks question diverted to both of us. "we're fine." i answer back. i help her collect her things from off the ground as she impatiently states at the boy. just as she has everything she begins to walk away. "school." she says as if excusing herself. "your welcome. need anything else? any dragons around here need slaying?"

"no. thank you!" anne replies back before she quickens her steps striding off into the direction  of school.

"who are you?" he says asking more questions. but we don't answer. "hey, who are you?"

"uh, miss? uh, what's your name?" he keeps asking and that is when i decide to leave anne to enter the classroom. she can handle him, he's harmless.

as i walk through the door placing my belongings in the cloakroom, i see the girls staring my way. weird. i hear the door open once again as anne and the boy walk in. their voices dispersing through the air as i focus solely on ruby.

i begin to walk to my desk, ignoring the constant glares. just as i am sat down i hear the footsteps of the obnoxious girls leave. there goes josie. i look around the classroom and don't see anne, wherever could she be? the only other option would be outside, but that's where...

i stand to leave and walk out the door. i search around and walk around the building. there standing before anne, is josie and her possy. "what are you doing?" i ask bringing their attention onto me. from what i can see everything is perfectly fine. i don't get what they're doing out here with anne. "can't you see," josie begins pointing to ruby, "look at her, she's crying. ruby has liked gilbert for three years." she goes on, i look to the girl and see her face flush in embarrassment, clearly not anymore.

they walk away leaving only me, diana and anne. "i'll try to smooth things over." diana says walking off after the rest. "what happened?" i ask. "they saw me walking with gilbert, ruby likes him. it didn't go well with josie."

"ok." i say confused. "are you alright though?" her distraught face morphs into happiness. "i'm fine." i don't press further knowing she doesn't want to talk about. instead i tickle her in hopes to make her laugh and walk with her inside the classroom. her smile is wide genuinely happy until we are met again by the girls. i ignore them in hopes they leave us be and they do. class starts to settle down once the teacher comes to view.

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