1- Quit Touching Me

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(Season 5 x 1)

Dean grabs Sam and they run toward Calliope, as the three of them turn to leave the room, trying to get away from there. The three of them try to force the door open, and it is shut tight, as the light gets brighter and brighter, and a high pitch buzzing sound begins.  The three of them cover their eyes, as they are getting blinded by the light, when they open them again; they see that they are seated on an airplane. They look at one another confused, "What the hell?" Dean asks.
"I don't know" Sam replies.

Just then they hear a ding and a voice comes over the PA on the plane, "Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then Ellicott City on our descent into Baltimore-Washington"
"Ilchester, weren't we just there?" Dean then asks.
"So if you'd like to stretch your legs now would be a good time....Holy Crap" the pilot shouts as the plane suddenly turns, and they hit turbulence as a bright light engulfs the plane. Sam, Dean and Calliope all grab their oxygen masks as the plane starts to descend rapidly.

Once they are back on the ground, the three of them manage to get a car, and drive back toward Bobby's. Calliope had tried using her powers again, but nothing would happen, as she had been too exhausted from before. The three of them sit in the car, silence as they don't know what to say about what had happened. Sam starts to flip through the radio, "And Governor O'Malley urged calm saying it's very unlikely a convent would be a target for terrorists"

"Change the station" Dean then says to his brother, and Sam does so. "Hurricane Kinley, unexpectedly slamming into the Galveston" "Announced a successful test of the North Korean nuclear" "A series of tremors" "Swine flu" Dean shuts the radio completely off not wanting to hear anymore of the news on the stations. They all sit in the car silent as Dean continues to drive down the road.

"Dean Look, I-" Sam starts to say breaking the silence.
"Don't say anything" Dean stops him, "It's okay. We just gotta keep our heads down and hash this out, all right" he tells his brother.
"Yeah, all right" Sam agrees with him.
"All right first things first. How did we end up on Soul Plane? That wasn't you was it?" Dean asks looking back at Calliope through the rear view mirror.

"It wasn't me Dean, maybe it was the Angels, you know getting us all out of harms way, I mean I am technically one of them right" she tells him.
"Well, whatever, it's the least of our worries. We need to find Cass" he tells her as he continues driving.

The three of them arrive at Chucks, the last place Calliope and Dean had seen Castiel. Getting out of the car they walk up to the house, to see the door partially open and they step inside. They walk into the home, looking around to see the house is a disaster, there is blood spattered everywhere, and items tossed around.  The three of them carefully walk among the destruction trying to find any sign of Chuck or Castiel. When Sam goes to enter the next room, he is hit over the head, "Geez, oh" he says stumbling back as they see Chuck standing there a plunger in his hand.

"Sam?" he questions.
"Yeah" Sam says touching his injured head.
"Hey, Chuck" Dean then says.
"So, you're okay" Chuck then says to them.
"Well, his head might hurt" Calliope remarks nodding at Sam.

"No, I mean, my last vision, You went, like, full-on Vader. Your body temperature was 150, your heart rate was 200. Your eyes were black" Chuck says to Sam.
"Your eyes went black" Dean asks.
Sam looks back at his brother, "I didn't know" he tells him.
"Where's Cass, Chuck?" Calliope then asks.

Chuck takes a moment, "He's dead, or gone. The archangel smote the crap out of him. I'm sorry" he says looking away from them.
"You're sure, maybe he just vanished into the light or something" Dean says.
"No" Check tells him, "He, like, exploded, like a water balloon of Chunky soup" he says this to them, and they all don't like hearing that.
"You got-" Sam then says pointing at Chuck's hair, having noticed something. Chuck reaches up and Sam points more toward where something was.

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