6- You Make Things Fly

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Calliope, Dean and Sam are leaning against the Impala, Dean having binoculars in his hand as he looks at a house across the way. "Are you sure that's him?" Dean asks Sam.

"Only Jack Montgomery in town" Sam tells him.
"And what exactly is is we are looking for?" Calliope asks Sam.
"Travis said to keep an eye out for anything weird" Sam tells her as he passes her a pair a binoculars.

"Weird?" Dean asks.
"Yeah" Sam tells him.
"Alright, well, yeah. I've seen big weird, little weird, weird with crazy on top. But this guy? I mean, come on, this guy's boring" Dean tells them.

"I don't know Dean, Travis seemed pretty sure" Sam says as the three of them look through their binoculars and watch this man.

The three of them watch as the man is leaning on the island in his kitchen, looking around. They see him take a drink form a beer bottle, before walking over to his fridge. They watch as he takes something from the fridge and starts eating it, with out using any untensils. He seems to be shoving the food into his mouth, without a care in the world. He continues stuffing his face, when he finishes and grabs something else from the fridge. They realize it looks like raw meat, and he opens the package up and starts eating it. Calliope puts the binoculars down and starts to feel sick, from seeing the man eating raw meat.

"I'd say that qualifies as weird" she hears Sam say as she tries to take some breaths of fresh air.
"Callie, you okay?" she hears Dean ask concern in his voice.
"Yeah, just that...that was nasty" She says to him as she takes a deep breath.

"Come on let's get back to the motel and figure out what the hell that was" Dean says to her. The three of them then get back into the impala as Dean drives to the motel they had booked before checking out Jack.

Dean, Sam, and Calliope enter the motel room, both boys stop when they see a figure in the room.
"Travis" Sam says to the man in the room.
"See, Sam, told you we should have hid the beer" Dean says to his brother as they all walk into the room, Calliope closing the door behind them. The man, Travis gets up from the chair he was sitting in and walks up to the boys.

"Smartass, get over here" Travis says to Dean, and they hug. "Ahh, good to see you" he adds.
"You too" Dean says back to him and they break apart as Travis then hugs Sam.

"Good to see you" he says to Sam.
"You too Travis" Sam says to him and they break apart.
"Man, you got tall, kid" Travis remarks to Sam, "How long has it been?" he then asks the boys.
"Ah, gotta be 10 years" Sam replies.

"You still, a..oh, what was it...a mathlete" Travis asks him.
"No" Sam scoffs.
"Yep, sure is" Dean then says.
"Been too long, boys. I mean look at you. Grown men, John would have been damn proud of you. Sticking together like this" Travis says to them.

"Yeah, yeah we're as thick as thieves" Dean says who looks at Sam, who's smile fades at Deans words, "Nothing more important than family" Dean then says.

"Travis, this is Calliope Atwell" Sam then says introducing her to Travis.
"Your not Anthony and Sarah Atwells daughter?" he asks her.
"Yeah..yeah I am" she replies.
"Sorry to hear about what happened to them. Did you ever take care of the vamp who did it?" he asks her.

"Actually Dean did" she tells him.
"That be why you here with them?" he then asks her.
"Yeah, he saved my life and well I've been kind sticking around these boys for awhile now" she tells him.
"You be careful with these boys" he warns her as he heads back over to the table and the four of them sit around it.

"Thanks for helping out an old man. I'm a little, uh, shorthanded" he says indicating his arm that is in a cast. "So you track down Montgomery?" he then asks them.

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