5- Did You Two Hook Up

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(Season 4x 4)

Calliope laid in the motel bed, fast asleep, unaware that Sam was sneaking out of the room. Dean was fast asleep in the other bed, when she started to wake up sensing something was wrong. She awakes to see Dean gasp and wake up, looking at the end of the beds she sees Castiel.

"What the hell" she says to the Angel.
"I couldn't stop any of it, she still made the deal, she still died in the nursery didn't she" Dean suddenly says confusing Calliope.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, you couldn't have stopped it" Castiel says and Calliope looks at both of them confused by what they are even talking about.
Dean then stands up from the bed, "What?" he asks.
"Destiny can't be changed, Dean. All roads lead to the same destination" Castiel tells him.

"They why's you send me back?" Dean asks.
"Send you back?" Calliope ask as she sits up in the bed.
"For the truth, now you know everything we do" Castiel says to Dean.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Dean asks as Castiel looks over at the cot that Sam was suppose to be sleeping on and they realize he's gone.

"Where did Sam go?" Calliope asks.
"We know what Azazel did to your brother, what we don't know is why-what his endgame is. He went to great lengths to cover that up" Castiel says not answering Calliope's question.

"Where's Sam?" Dean then asks.
"425 Waterman" Castiel says as Dean then goes for his keys and his jacket.
"Dean wait" Calliope says as she gets out of the bed quickly getting herself dressed and grabbing her own jacket.

"Your brother is headed down a dangerous road. Dean, and we're not sure where it leads. So stop it or we will" Castiel warns Dean before disappearing.
"Dean, what the hell just happened?" Calliope asks as they head out of the motel room and to the Impala.

"You won't believe me if I told you" he says to her.
"Try me" She asks as they get into the car, and head off to where Castiel told them Sam would be. As they drove, Dean explains all about what Castiel did to him, how he sent him back in time, and he got to see his parents when they were younger. Hoe his mother's whole family had been hunters, it ran in the family the whole time and they had no idea. Dean went on to tell her, that his other had made a deal with the yellow eyed demon known as Azezeal and that was why he had come for Sam. Calliope looks at Dean, in complete confusion, trying to understand what he said.

"You were gone in the past for days, yet it was only hours here, Castiel was able to send you back in time?" she says.
"Yes, and now we have to stop Sam from doing a terrible thing" he says as they make their way to the address Castiel had given Dean. Pulling up to a building, Dean stops and parks the car, and the two of them step out. Dean pulls out his gun, and keeps it out infront of him, Calliope does the same as they get closer to the building.

They get to the building and look inside, where they see Sam standing with a woman, a man is in the middle of the room. They watch as Sam has his hand out infront of him and starts a exorcism, and they watch as the black smoke inside the man is forced out, and goes through the ground. Dean and Calliope look at one another in disbelief at what they had seen. They make their way around to a door, and Dean opens it seeing Sam trying to help the man and the woman standing behind Sam.

"So...anything you wanna tell me Sam" Dean says pissed at his brother.
"Dean, hold on, okay? Just let me" Sam starts to say.
"You gonna say. , 'let me explain' You're gonna explain this? How about this? Why don't you atart with who she is, and what the hell is she doing here?" Dean says pointing at the woman, who Calliope knows as Ruby, but chooses not to say anything.

Sam looks back at Ruby, who is staying calm about the whole situation, she smiles at Dean, "It's good to see you Calliope, and it's good to see you again Dean" she says to the two of them.

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