I kept crying for as long as I can remember, finally falling asleep in his arms. Waking up, I noticed it was pretty dark now but he was still with me, sitting at the other side of my bed and watching me sleep. 

"Hey there," he muttered softly, going for my hair and combing it with his fingers. 

"Hey," I sniffed and tried to sit up but he stopped me and brought me to lay my head on his lap, while he continued fondling my hair reassuringly. 

"What happened back there? You got me so scared," he leant down and whispered softly to me. His warm breath grazed my ear and sent an icy-hot thrill down my spine. 

I visibly shivered. I was way over at the wrong end of my emotions to feel embarrassed at the moment. Moreover there was no need to feel embarrassed around Mason, he would stay no matter what. 

Knowing him, the fact that his little actions could trigger such a reaction from me would definitely make him feel so satisfied. 

"I-I… today was," I sighed audibly and sobbed again. I'd been crying  ceaselessly for so long I surmised I might've run out of tears by now, but it seemed I was wrong because the second I remembered my current predicament my eyes began to sting and my heart felt as heavy as a rock. Sinking down into my stomach.

"It's okay if you still don't want to talk about it," he consoled, keeping up with the action he was carrying out on my hair.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I took in a cleansing breath of air which was noticeably pungent with Mason's inviting scent. Letting it all out at once, I fluttered my eyes open and hoped to not end up crying again, at least not immediately. 

Obviously I couldn't tell Mason the truth, I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth that I had kissed someone else and they had turned me down, and that's the reason I called him to come be with me. I couldn't tell Mason that the feelings which I should've been trying my best to direct towards him were thrown into someone else's hands and they dropped it to the floor. 

I couldn't tell Mason that I'd fallen so deeply for someone else, and bringing myself to feel a quarter of those emotions for him was a lot more difficult than I thought. 

Knowing all the things I couldn't tell him and writing them down on a pink note in my head, I did, however, have to give him a reason why he had to drive all the way here on such short notice. 

He deserved a decent reason at least. That was the much I could give him at this point.

"I think I just had an emotional breakdown," I finally brought myself to mutter a half-truth. "The emotional and mental stress of school and the things surrounding it finally got me and I lost my cool. You were the only one I could think of to call, so I did. I'm sorry if I bothered you." 

"Sssh," he shushed me, pausing his action on my hair. "Don't apologise," he whispered very close to my ear again. 

However, I didn't shudder this time. The skin around there had adapted to the warmth of his kind words. 

"I'm grateful you called me, and I'm even more grateful for being the first person who came to your mind. You don't know how happy that makes me," he chuckled softly, digging his fingers back into my hair. 

"Thank you," I murmured, swallowing the lump of guilt that had rapidly formed in my throat.

We remained like that a little longer, Mason never stopped offering physical emotional support by fondling with my hair. He delivered just as much as I expected him to, maybe even more. 

"I would've loved to stay the night but I've early lab experiments tomorrow morning and I'm not done gathering my specimen. Had to put that on hold because you're way more important," he finally spoke up after sometime, announcing his much dreaded departure.

Can't Stay Tranquil (BoyxBoy)✓Where stories live. Discover now