3.6 My Girl

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The sea breeze blew against the shore with crashing waves. However, not one ship was in sight.

"What kinda harbour doesn't have any ships?" Hyewon muttered under her breath.

"Now what do we do?"

Just then, some rushing footsteps and growls could be heard.

"Behind us!" Eunbi yelled out, making the others dodge just in time before a zombie got to them.

Following it was a horde of them.

"Prepare your weapons"

Sakura and Nako nodded while smirking as they each took out a gun.

"Time to blast some heads off"


Meanwhile, Hitomi and Chaeyeon were still rushing after the boy. However, they lost sight of him.

"Where did he go?" Chaeyeon mumbled.

Just then, a scream sounded from the alley beside them.

"There!" Hitomi informed.

At a corner was the boy from before with two undead  blocking off his way. The boy was sitting down on the ground as he helplessly looked at the zombies with fear in his eyes.

He shut his eyes tight, as one of them lunged towards him. However, nothing came into contact.

When he opened his eyes again, the two zombies were already on the floor with their heads separated from their bodies.

"Kid are you okay?" Hitomi crouched down to check on him, receiving a timid nod.

"Aishhh don't just run off like that" Chaeyeon nagged as she squinted her eyes.

The boy muttered a soft sorry before looking down.

"Anyways, why're you out here?" Chaeyeon asked as she put away her katana "What's your name?"

The boy hesitated as his eyes shook.

"Don't worry You can trust us" Hitomi smiled at the boy.

Maybe it was the way Hitomi looked or the way Hitomi gave off a 'good with kids' aura compared to Chaeyeon, the boy spoke.

"I-i'm Jinwoo" He said "A-are you sure I can trust you?"

"Yes Jinwoo-ah"

"T-t-then Please save my friends!" He pleaded.


On another side of the city, Yuri and yena were waiting for the old grandma to wake up.

"W-where am I?" The woman groaned as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Oh you're awake" Yena exclaimed as she took off her helmet(A part of the armour she was currently wearing).

"Granny can you remember anything?" Yuri asked with worry in her eyes "You shouldn't be out here"

The grandma frowned as she thought carefully and suddenly held Yuri's hand.

"The kids!" She said with her hands shaking "I need to find the kids"

"Kids?" Yena tilted her head in confusion.

However, the grandma looked at them with suspicion. Noticing the look they were getting, Yena reassured her that they were trustworthy people.

"Actually.... I'm from an orphanage. Ever since these scary looking creatures came to the city, we were hiding in the basement with kids from the orphanage..... but......"

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