3.4 Bonfire

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"Yujin-ah We don't have enough time!" Yena whisper-shouted to Yujin who was crouching beside her.

"I know unnie I know!!" Yujin replied with the same intensity as she stared at the figure lying down lifelessly in front of her "Kwangbae Hang in there!!"

Hyewon groaned softly in response as no words came out of her mouth.

"Shit shit What do we do?!" Yena panicked "Don't leave us Kwangbaeee"

Just then the door behind them swung open, a spine-chilling figure coming into sight.

"Are we caught?! Are we going to die?!" Yujin asked as the tension in the room grew.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

The three girls yelped in pain while holding their heads which were just hit by an annoyed Eunbi.

"You three...... Stop being dramatic and help us prepare the food!"

"B-but unnie Hyewonnie wouldn't get up. I think she passed out from hunger"

"No Excuses! No food for anyone who doesn't help" Eunbi threatened with her arms crossed.

The moment those words came out of Eunbi's mouth, a gush of wind flew pass them and out of the door.

"W-what was that?" Yena questioned as she blinked continuously.

"I think something flew past us" Yujin said in confusion before noticing the lack of presence beside her "Kwangbae? Where did she go?"

The three girls left behind peeked out of the door in unison just to see Hyewon diligently cutting the onions.

"That glutton" Eunbi sighed as she facepalmed.


"Wowwww It's a bonfire" Hitomi clapped repeatedly in amazement.

"The food looks so good too" Yuri licked her lips as she eyed the barbecue on the table.

Night had came once again and the girls were having a bonfire to bid farewell to Kaeun before they leave the next morning.

"KAEUN-UNNIE" Yujin and Yena wailed out loud with teary eyes as they hugged Kaeun who had a forced smile on her face as she avoided their hugs"WHY AREN'T YOU COMING WITH US!!"

"Aigoo stop crying and eat your food" Wonyoung stepped in and shoved a piece of meat into Yujin's mouth, shutting her up.

"Exactly. It's not like I'm going to die" Kaeun replied nonchalantly.

However, she was confused when all the girls stopped whatever they were doing and looked at her dumbfounded.


"You're already dead" Chaeyeon reminded.

"Oh right"

The girls facepalmed and continued eating. Sakura was sitting quietly on a wooden log as she munched on the meat when Chaeyeon approached her.

"Hey what's up" Chaeyeon smiled.

"Nothing.... Just thinking"


"Just you know..... How things are back in Japan"

Chaeyeon fell silent as she thought about the hard ships the girl must be going through. Coming from a different country, she must be wondering how her family and friends are doing back in Japan. It's impossible to contact them as well because the mobile connections stopped working and no more signals could be caught.

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