1.5 Plan

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"Guys I think I have a plan" Wonyoung said, gathering everyone's attention.

The girls stared at her with looks telling her to go on.

"So like what blondie said, zombies are sensitive to sound yeah?" Wonyoung asked Yuri for confirmation in which the other girl nodded.

"Then why not use the school's sound system to direct their attention to one part of the school only? The other parts will be zombie-free if that happens and we can be more at ease"

"Youngie!! That's such a great idea!!" Yujin clapped in awe.

"Youngie? Since when did the two of you get so close?" Hyewon squinted her eyes in suspicions.

Before Yujin could answer, Hitomi interrupted.

"But wait, how are we going to use the sound system? The whole place is blacked out"

"Did you forget? We've got Miss Hacker here with us" Eunbi glances at Sakura, frowning as all the bad memories of Sakura hacking into the sound system resurfaced in her mind.

"But then the lights are out. The school's entire electrical lines are cut off" Chaewon reminded "There's a probability that the circuit breaker fell"

"Well.... which is why we're gonna need volunteers to go and fix this circuit breaker thing"

"H-hey Wouldn't that be too risky?" Nako questioned.

"Yeah but it's our only shot" Wonyoung said "We have no food here. If we keep staying here in this room, we will die without a doubt"

The girls went into a state of silence after hearing what Wonyoung said. All of them were in deep thoughts. They had just encountered the undead and the idea of going out again terrified them.

"I'll go" A husky voice sounded.

All of them turned towards the owner of the voice.

"I'm the most knowledgeable person here about those creatures so don't you think i'm the right person for this?" Yuri said seriously before smiling slightly.

The others were in awe of her bravery. Just then, a chuckle was heard.

"Oh shut up. Stop acting all cool." Chaewon laughed "You're just excited to learn more about those things, aren't you?"

True to her words, Yuri's eyes were sparkling in curiosity with her hands clenched tightly on her book as she nodded furiously.

"Well.... It can't be helped then. If Joyul's going, I'm going as well" Yena grinned as she swung her arm over Yuri's shoulders "I'm gonna protect you my baby Joyul~~"

The younger girl's face scrunched up in disgust before shrugging off the arm on her shoulder.

"Hah..." Nako sighed " Then I'll-"

"No" Eunbi interupted.


"Nako I have an important task for you" she said as she walked near the window overseeing the school grounds and pointed "You see that school bus over there?"

The short girl squinted her eyes before spotting the bus parked at the parking lot, a few meters away.

"Yeah I see it."

"That's our escape route" Eunbi patted Nako's head "We need you to drive it and be on standby when everything's ready"

Nako nodded in excitement when she heard she was gonna drive a car.

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