2.5 Here for you

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With that one word, the whole table went silent. Looks of shock painted everyone's faces- including Jiwook.

Chaewon had tears brimming the sides of her eyes as her hands shook underneath the table. Noticing this, Minju silently held the girl's hands with her own with worry visible in her eyes.

"W-what did you say?" Jiwook broke the silence.

"Kim Hajoon...." Chaewon gulped and took in a deep breath before continuing "That's the name of my father..... He's a scientist"

For a while, everyone was quiet. Kang Jiwook was in deep thoughts as he tried to process the information.

"Wait a minute" Jiwook gestured as he pulled a thick black file filled with papers from the drawer beside and place it on the table.

The words 'Operation : Lurking" with a bright red "Top Secret" stamp were clearly seen on the file.

Jiwook opened the file and took out a piece of paper. He handed it over to Chaewon.

It was a photograph. A group of scientists in white lab coats were standing with poker faces while Kang Jiwook was beside a tall fairly good-looking man in the same lab coats. Jiwook was the only one in a black suit.

Chaewon's gaze fell onto the man beside Jiwook and she slowly grazed her fingers his figure.

"Dad...." She whispered but it was loud enough to be heard by everyone else in the room.

"I see......" Jiwook nodded as he put the pieces of the puzzle together "So you're his daughter..... He did tell me that he had a daughter but what a coincidence to meet you here"

Chaewon was still dazed from all the information she just found out.

"It's been three years" Chaewon spoke up "Three whole years since I last saw him"

The rest of the girls paid attention to her words carefully.

"Do you know where he is right now?" Chaewon looked up to Jiwook and asked with a glint of hope and longing in her eyes.

"To tell you about that, I need to go back to three years ago" Jiwook started "Like I said, Hajoon was the head scientist of the operation. He was aware of the consequences if things were to go wrong and so he published that book Yuri-ssi had. However, it wasn't all the data he had collected."

Jiwook looked around and saw that all the girls looked so serious, different from their cheerful selfs when they first arrived.

"New information about the operation was collected every single day" He continued "You must be wondering why I'm in the picture. The reason is our Kang mafia was assigned to keep things under control if a breakout ever happened. The situation right now, however, is way too out of our control."

"Wait a minute" Eunbi interrupted "I'm sorry to interrupt but..... if even you guys can't handle the situation..... does this mean that there's no more hope?"

The girls looked nervous at what Eunbi asked and waited for Jiwook's answer as their hearts pounded.

"Yes..... and no. To be honest, this isn't the first time a break out happened. The first breakout took place two years ago but it only happened in the lab. Fortunately, the crisis didn't spread outside. We managed to handle it but...." Jiwook stopped as grief washed over him "We lost a lot of our men."

Just then, Nako raised her hand up asking for permission to speak like an elementary school student.

"Where is Chaewon's dad now?" Nako hesistantly asked as she glanced over to Chaewon who was tightly holding onto Minju's hand.

"I....." Jiwook sighed "I don't know. We lost contact a month ago"

Hearing that, Minju caressed Chaewon's hand with her thumb trying to console the girl.

"What do we do now?" Wonyoung asked with determination and a slight hint of fear in her eyes.

"In this file in front of me, there are some information regarding the operation but most of the up to date ones are at the lab"

"So we need to go to the lab right?" Chaeyeon asked.

"You're right. However, you girls are not ready to face those creatures" Jiwook raised up a finger "One month. In one month's time, you will go to the lab. During that time, I will train all of you myself so when the time comes, you'll be ready."

The girls nodded in agreement.

After the dinner, the girls returned to their room to get some sleep. However, Hyewon stayed behind to talk with her grandfather.

"Grandpa....There's something you didn't tell us right?" She asked with a sad smile on her face.

"Hyewon-ah...." He looked at the girl "I'm sorry.... I should've told you this earlier but you were too young to know the truth. Actually-"

"Mom and Dad.... The passed away because of that breakout two years ago right?" Hyewon interrupted.

"Y-yes..... That's true"

Jiwook regretted the decision he made two years ago until now. The decision to send his one and only son and his wife to contain the break out at the laboratory.

The man then continued to tell Hyewon about the decision he made and how he regretted it. Little did they know, a certain someone overheard their entire conversation.

Hyewon excuses herself after their talk and went to the garden to get some fresh air. She took out a box of cigarettes from her pocket and lighted one before slipping it between her lips.

She took in a deep puff and blew out, watching the smoke go up into the dark sky.

"You smoke?" A voice said from behind her.

Hyewon turned around and smirked after she saw who it was.

"Sometimes" She took another puff "What? Are you going to discipline me Prez?"

"It's bad for your health you know?" Eunbi stood beside the girl as she observed the girl's face.

"What are you doing here?" Hyewon asked her without answering her question.

"Just felt like it" Eunbi answered nonchalantly but the worry on her face was visible.

Hyewon noticed the tone of her voice and turned towards Eunbi, blowing the smoke into her face.

"Ya! What the-"

"Don't make that face. A smile looks best on you" Hyewon said as she grinned.

Eunbi's cheeks heated up hearing what the other girl said.

"You heard it right?" Hyewon asked Eunbi with a smile on her face "The conversation between me and grandpa"

"W-what? Umm yes" Eunbi answered "I'm sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

"It's okay"

And after that, it was silence. Eunbi just observed the other girl's expressions. She knew that behind that poker face, a lot of fears and trauma were hidden.

Hyewon dropped the cigarette in the ground and stepped on it, killing the fire.

"It's getting late. We shoul-"

Before Hyewon could finish her sentence, she was brought into an embrace.

"Everything will be alright. I'm here for you" Eunbi muttered into Hyewon's ear, full of sincerity.

Hyewon tried to fight off the tears brimming in her eyes and leaned into the embrace.

"I know"

Here's another chapterrrrrr!!! So the girls are going to undergo some training soon👀 But the night's not over yet!!! Look forward to the next chapter~~

Lurking || IZ*ONE Zombie AUWhere stories live. Discover now