2.7 Unexpected Situation

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The sun rose up, its light rays painting the traditional Korean buildings of the Kang clan and the garden in soft yellow colours.

Birds chirped in the distant sky, making the atmosphere look peaceful, oblivious to the chaos ensuing in the outside wall.

Chaeyeon flinched slightly as she stretched, slowly opening her eyes.

"Why is it so heavy?" She mumbled to herself and pushed Nako who was sleeping on her away.

She looked around to see that the other girls were still asleep. Letting out a yawn, she rubbed her eyes as her eyes fell on a certain Japanese girl sleeping against the wall.

Even in sleep, the girl was still a beauty.............or not.

"AHHHHHH" Chaeyeon screamed at the top of her lungs as she saw the girl sleeping with her eyes opened.

The other girls jolted awake at the sound she made.

"What? What? What?" Wonyoung stood up abruptly, her fists up in defense.

The girls were mumbling and saying all words that came to their mind as they were half asleep.

"Cheese balls...." Hitomi muttered repeatedly.

Just then, the door to their room opened.

"Rise and shine everyone~~" Hyewon sang as she opened the door. The girl had woke up the earliest and have finished getting ready.

"We have a long day ahead so wash up and get ready for breakfast"

After breakfast, Hyewon led them to a wide area behind the buildings. There were archery boards, shooting ranges and all kinds of weapons assembled there.

"Wow" Yena exclaimed with wide eyes in excitement.

"Hyewon-ah just how rich is your family?" Minju asked in amazement.

Kang Jiwook was waiting for them in the middle of the field.

"I already heard all of your skills from Hyewon and honestly, I'm impressed" Jiwook spoke "However before we start, I have a gift"

Jiwook gestured for one of us man to bring him the gift.

"This is for you, Miyawaki Sakura" He handed the girl the bag.

"Oh my god......" Sakura couldn't contain her excitement as she stared at the item "This is..... a laptop??!"

"Yes.... I heard yours broke so this is a new one. Also, it has all the necessary applications installed already. That includes games as well."

Sakura's eyes lit up at the mention of games and the girls were shocked to see tears flow down her cheeks while she had a wide smile plastered on her face.

"This is the happiest I've ever seen her" Eunbi exclaimed as she slowly shook her head.

"Okay Now Let's start the training" Jiwook commenced.

All the girls were doing physical training except Yena who was training in using guns as she had a good aim due to playing basketball.

"Attention please" Jiwook called our "I'll now teach you how to defend against those creatures."

Chaeyeon volunteered to act as the zombie, which she portrayed very accurately.

"Okay so the zombies only have one weak point" Jiwook tapped his head with his finger "The head. If you don't get the head, they will get up again"

The girls nodded and practiced fighting physically.
On the other hand, Yena was marveling at the amount of guns displayed in front of her.

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