1.1 Fast

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Everyone in the school fell into a state of panic. Everywhere the eyes laid on, students were crying and praying for their safety.

Hitomi immediately woke Chaeyeon up and informed her of the situation.

"Shit That's craz-"

Before Chaeyeon could finish, there was a blackout. Screams and wails filled the entire place.

"Staying like this doing nothing ain't gonna work. Let's go meet up with the gang" Chaeyeon said.

Taking opportunity of the dark, Chaeyeon and Hitomi slipped out of their class. Their only source of light was the sunlight coming in from the windows.

Trying not to make a sound, they tip-toed their way through. Just then, more screams echoed from the direction of their classroom. They were distressed screams.

The duo froze.

"H-hey Hii-chan" Chaeyeon nudged the Japanese girl "D-d-don't tell me.....Theyre already inside?"

"I don't know....Let's go back"

The two ran back to the direction of their class. They peeked through the huge window between their class and the corridor. The sight that welcomed them was something both of them will remember for the rest of their lives.

Blood. Blood was everywhere. Their classmates from before were biting each other while making grumbling noises.

Hitomi wasn't sure if they could still be classified as humans because they totally no longer look like them.

Blood was drooling down from their mouth as their whole body was twisted as they took slow steps forward. The skin was now a pale mixture of dark grey and green.

Chaeyeon and Hitomi were beyond shocked. They couldn't even gather the courage to ran. It was as if their souls were separated from their bodies.

"W-w-e should r-ran r-r-right?" Hitomi's voice shook as she spoke.

"Y-yeah" Chaeyeon nodded slowly, her body still not moving according to her will.

As they were about to turn back, Chaeyeon accidentally stepped on a pencil on the ground and fell down.

As if on cue, the creatures inside the class turned their heads abruptly into the direction in which the two girls were before starting to lunge at them.

Thankfully, the glass was separating them. Chaeyeon quickly stood up as Hitomi helped her. The two were still in a state of terror upon seeing the gory scene.

Slowly, they walked away from the classroom.

"H-Hitomi" Chaeyeon called her friend "Zombies are really slow creatures right?"

"Yeah I g-guess"

"Thank god If they were fas-" Suddenly, she stopped talking "H-hey is it just me or did I hear something cracking?"

Hitomi's eyes widen at what Chaeyeon said. The two looked at each other and looked back at their classroom which was now meters away from them.


And with that zombies started pouring out through the window. One of them, who used to be their classmate, turned to the direction of the two girls. After that, he growled out loud and started running after them.

Behind him followed a group of the undead who used to be their classmates.

Without wasting a second, Hitomi and Chaeyeon bolted.



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