"How about stem cell transplant? You guys undoubtedly have the money to afford that." I suggested. My eyes sparked with hope. I believe financial problem will never run in Jeon's family.

He heaved a deep sigh, "We tried to find the perfect donor for him but until now, they can't find someone who have a bone marrow with a 100 percent match to Jimin." he ran his hand over his face and leaned back. Another worried sigh escaped his mouth, "And over times, his bone marrow just get worsen. Now, he is prohibited to go out of hospital or hanging out with other people. His immune system is getting weaker. Yesterday, he had a random nose bleed. That was the first time he has ever shown a serious symptoms."

I studied Jungkook expression and I felt my heart clenched at the sight of Jeon Jungkook; the cocky, pain in the butt dorky was looking so hopeless right now. I have no doubt that Jimin is like a brother to him, his other half and I couldn't imagine being in his shoes. The fear of losing someone you love is a traumatic experience I never want to try.

After debating for so long, I finally did what I thought was the best at the moment. I gently placed my palm on his shoulder. "He's not going anywhere Jungkook. You still have him now and that's what matter. He has endured it for 5 years, he's stronger than you think. I don't know how it feels to see someone you love in pain. But, when he gets better, you'll look back on this, appreciate the strength it has engendered in you both. I know you guys can get through this. Like every storm in life, this too shall pass."

Jungkook looked at me for few seconds, there was mix emotions in his eyes. "For someone who cry a lot herself," he trailed. His hand then lifted up to my face as I looked at him warily. Later, I felt his calloused thumb carressed the skin under my eye to wipe the tears I didn't know had fallen. A smile then created on his face as he looked me deep in the eyes, "-you do know a way to comfort others. Thanks. That is so comforting."

I pulled my face away from his touch and wiped the remaining tears away myself. His hand stayed in the air for a second before he brought it back to his side. I was starting to worry about the weird sensations my body kept stimulating whenever I was with him. Everything came crashing at once, It just out of nowhere, unwarned. Sometimes I wonder if I had an unknown disease with me; if my heart is broken from the way it kept beating fast despite me doing nothing, just sitting and talking to him. I wasn't running miles or doing something physical. It just doesn't make sense.

"I think I know how to cheer you up." he fastened his seatbelt and held the steering wheel with both hands. Then, he spare me a glance. A smile on his face, "Let's go fill that tummy up."

The tension I felt in the car just now vanished in the thin air and what he said brought a chuckle on my lips. I stole a glance his way and a teasing smile stay seated on my lips. "And dinner is on you?"

Eyebrows arched, he said. "I'm a gentleman, Anderson."


Jungkook pressed the brake when we reached my house. I did a double check of my belonging and when I was sure that I had grabbed everything, I opened the door and got out of the car. "Thank you."

Jungkook jerked his eyebrows, those dimple made their appearance. "No big deal."

I closed the door and Jungkook was quick to slide the window down, "At what time will you finish your class tomorrow?"

One problem about me, I never memorise my schedule.

"Hmmmm." I tried to remember, my pointed finger went to scratch my head, "I don't know. I will text you."

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