Part 33

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Seungcheol's POV

"No no no. S-Sura?" Her eyes closed gently yet the burden it left was heartbreaking.

No. This can't be it.

"Sura! Wake up! Sura!" I squeezed her hand as I hoped for a reaction. A reaction like "you're hurting me" or "I'm fine" but none came out. No reaction was seen.

Her mouth became motionless as she wasn't gasping for air anymore. Sura was sputtering out words and her chest was deflating and inflating with difficulty.

It just stopped.

Suddenly, the ambulance came to a dramatic brake. Two men immediately opened the back of the ambulance with aggressive force.

"Sura!" I shouted as they wheeled her out of the ambulance with consistency and agility.

I jumped out of the ambulance, catching up with Sura. I tried holding onto her hand but it kept slipping out of mine like butter.

Her hands weren't warm anymore. They lost their snug comfort.

"Sura!" I begged as she didn't respond with a movement nor words of reaction.

"Please! Sura! Wake up!"

The people were running through the hospital's walls while dragging the bed with them. They exchanged panicked words of Sura's condition as they observed her state.

The nurses passed through the emergency doors, leaving me out and blocked from Sura. The doors shut behind them as the air was released to my face.

The sudden realization finally struck me.

This is it.

I lost her.

Sura. I lost my daughter.

My precious daughter.

I collapsed onto the marble floor as my legs gave up below me. I planted my face into the palms of my hand as the pain struck my head next.

I lost someone who was more important than my own life. Someone who I wanted to pour all of my love into. Someone who I wanted to care for and protect.

Someone who I loved.

And now I can't. I can't do any of that.

All of it just disappeared. Like it never existed.


A sudden noise dropped onto the marble floor, interrupting my thoughts.

I opened my eyes to see a white seashell lying right in front of my knees.

The seashell from the beach.

The one Sura gave me.

I gently picked up the artifact that was so dear to me.

The memories started flooding in with no warning. All of it overwhelmed me as the seashell triggered the invasion of memories.

The time when we first adopted Sura. The scared look on her face as she faced such an uncertain situation.

The first time we brought her to school. The way she tightly held onto my hand as she shivered with fear and anxiety.

That time we went to the beach. The day she collected seashells for all the members. Her face filled with embarrassment as everyone was fill with joy and excitement.

All in a couple months, I met someone who I loved so deeply. Now in just a couple months, she was taken away from me. So soon.

This isn't fair. Why is this happening to me?

It's cruel. It's painful. It's suffocating.

I held the seashell close to my chest as I sobbed uncontrollably. I crouched my body around the shell, protecting it from the reality of the current situation.


The walls echoed back my cry while they watched helplessly. The soft hum of the air conditioning silently filled the halls.

"Why? Why did you have to go like this?"

I begged as the tears spilled onto the smooth floor.

"Why now! Why!"

God, what am I gonna do now? Please. Please, let there be a miracle. I'll do anything. I'll give up my own life. She has too much ahead of her.

I didn't give her enough yet. She deserves more. More than the whole world.



I turned my back to face such a familiar voice.


Sura was running towards me, bringing the light with her. Her hair moving perfectly with the air as she tried to catch her breath. She immediately lit up the dull hospital with her illuminate vibe.



I felt a sudden shove on my shoulders.

In a blink of an eye, Sura was gone. There was no more light. No sign of her left.

Instead, I saw Jeonghan kneeling down over me. He eyed me worryingly as he had a hand on my shoulder. Jeonghan was shaking my shoulder as he tried to gain my conscience.

Damn it. I thought it was. I thought it was my angel. The truth felt as if two hands were squeezing my neck. I hate this feeling.

"Seungcheol? What's wrong? How'd it go?" Jeonghan panicked as he searched my watery eyes for an answer.

I bit my lip as the words weren't able to be formed.

Tears rolled down my cheek, "S-she got stabbed. I-in the stomach. I-I don't know if she'll make it, Jeonghan."

Jeonghan wore a mask full of shear horror. His eyes seemed as if he witnessed a murder. His jaw dropped as he waited for another word for me, reassuring Sura's safety.

Jeonghan slumped onto his knees.

I buried my face into his chest as the news sunk deep into my chest.

"O-our Sura."

Jeonghan remained motionless as he whispered, "T-tell me you're lying, Seungcheol."

If only. If only I was lying. The sheer rejection in his voice made me want to believe I was lying. That this is all just a nightmare. That I would wake up with Sura in my arms.

I shook my head in regret as I wrapped my arms around Jeonghan's back.

"No. No no." Jeonghan embraced his arms around my shoulders. I could feel his whole body shaking like an earthquake. His tears fell gently onto my shoulder.

Jeonghan suddenly screamed as he released his grief. He shouted and cried into the dull hallways of this bland hospital which is too familiar now.

"Sura!" Jeonghan bawled as he tightly clenched onto my white shirt.

Suddenly, I recalled Sura's words in the ambulance.

"Don't cry. You look funny."

Those words entangled my mind and soul.

The heavy words which took her last breaths.

God, Sura. I can't stop replaying your words.

Why did you waste your breath on such words for me?

Please, say it to me again. Just one more time.

I want to see you again.

Hear you again.

Hug you again.

Just one more time, Sura.

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